2014. január 4., szombat

Crew Lead

Sziasztok! Elhoztam nektek még1 feladatsort! Ha magyarban akarjátok látni használjátok a fordítót ott oldalt!
Psst! You! Yes, you! Objectives: Listen to Lance. Rewards: 20 Jorvik Shillings, 40 XP Reputation: 20 with Silverglade Village
Lance will tell you about his urgent problem.
I have to ask you something, and maybe can you help me because you are a girl. It’s a bit embarrassing. I can trust you won’t tell anyone about this, right? Quest completed
Who is She?
Ok, it’s like this. Recently I’ve started noticing this girl who walks by here. I’ve seen her many times and the last time I got up the courage to say hello! I don’t know her name. Can you please help me find out who she is? Objectives: Do you want to help Lance? Rewards: 30 Jorvik Shillings, 15 XP Reputation: 40 with Silverglade Village
Doctor Lurve is in the house! Boy are so hopeless…
Super! Your name is Rita, right? Quest completed
The Mysterious Girl
Every time I’ve seen her she has been wearing a riding helmet, so I guess she likes horses. She wears riding pants and a t-shirt, so I guess she works in a stable? Would you like to do some spying for me? Objectives: Do you want to help Lance? Rewards: 15 Jorvik Shillings, 10 XP Reputation: 10 with Silverglade Village
Of course I’ll help!
Great! She was here yesterday so it wouldn’t be too hard to find out who she is. Quest completed
To Inquire
Ok, she was here yesterday afternoon, so maybe you can ask the stable girls at the Silverglade Equestrian Center if some of them were here around that time? Objectives: Ask the stable girls at the Silverglade Equestrian Center if they were in Silverglade Village yesterday. Rewards: 20 Jorvik Shillings, 35 XP Reputation: 20 with Silverglade Village
Ride and speak with Tyra at the Silverglade Equestrian Center.
Hey! No, I haven’t been there for a while.
Quest completed
Continue Asking
I haven’t been in Silverglade Village for days, but I heard Judy talking about buying some new gear for the horses in the stable. Maybe she’s the one you’re looking for? Objectives: Ask Judy if she has been in Silverglade Village. Rewards: 30 Jorvik Shillings, 15 XP Reputation: 40 with Silverglade Village
Perhaps it was Judy? Hello Rita!
Hello Rita! I was thinking I should go to Silverglade Village but I changed my mind and went to Firgrove instead.
Quest completed
The Last Stable Girl in Place
I realized that I haven’t seen Felicity for a long time, so when I went shopping I did that in Firgrove. But have you talked to Pauline? She said something about a neat sweater in Silverglade Village.
Objectives: Talk to Pauline.
Rewards: 15 Jorvik Shillings, 20 XP
Reputation: 10 with Silverglade Village
Ride to Pauline down by the grape fields, and ask her if she’s been to Silverglade Village recently.
Hello! Can I help you?
Quest completed
She Who Knows
No, I didn’t buy a sweater. I decided to save my money instead, but I think my sister Mary visited the tailor yesterday afternoon. She had to give him some wool. Why don’t you ride out to Mary and ask her yourself.
Objectives: Ride and talk to Mary.
Rewards: 35 Jorvik Shillings, 35 XP
Reputation: 20 with Silverglade Village
Go see Mary at Doyle’s Abbey, just north of Fort Pinta.
Hi, it’s nice to have some company. It’s usually so lonely here.
Quest completed
Yes, that’s right. I was in Silverglade Village yesterday afternoon and handed over some wool to the tailor. Why do you ask?
Objectives: Come up with a white lie so you don’t betray Lance.
Rewards: 25 Jorvik Shillings, 20 XP
Reputation: 50 with Silverglade Village
Oh, no reason… Teehee…
Oh, you’re doing a survey about the visitors in Silverglade Village. Glad I could help!
Quest completed
One More Secret
While you’re here, Rita, can you help me with something? It’s a secret so you have to promise to not tell anyone. It’s super important that you’re quiet as a mouse and don’t reveal this!
Objectives: Listen to what Mary has to say.
Rewards: 10 Jorvik Shillings, 15 XP
Reputation: 20 with Silverglade Village
Ooh! More secrets!
When I was in the village I saw a cute boy who said hello to me. I knew it was love at first sight, at least for me. I don’t dare tell hi but I thought that maybe you could give him something from me, secretly?
Quest completed
Ride back to Silverglade Village and tell Lance what you’ve found out.
Report to Lance
How did it go? Did you find the girl? She’s so cute! Her name’s Mary? I have to admit, Rita… I’m a little bit in love with her. I’d like to give her something, but in secret. Jelly hearts! That’s never wrong! Can you help me get hearts at the baker’s and give to Mary? But don’t tell her they’re from me.
Objectives: Get jelly hearts from the baker.
Rewards: 20 Jorvik Shillings, 15 XP
Reputation: 20 with Silverglade Village
Speak with Harold about getting those jelly hearts.
Do you want jelly hearts? I also want that but it could be difficult.
Quest completed
Delivery Problems
The whole delivery of jelly hearts for my shop went bust! The package ripped on the way here, so now you can find jelly hearts all over Everwind Fields. If you need any jelly hearts you have to ride and pick up as many as you want.
Objectives: Pick up ten jelly hearts and give them to Mary.
Rewards: 15 Jorvik Shillings, 50 XP
Reputation: 40 with Silverglade Village
Delivery problems. It’s always delivery problems…
Ride north out of Silverglade Village to the Everwind Fields and pick up the jelly hearts.
When you have picked up ten of them, take them to Mary at Doyle’s Abbey.
What, a gift for me? From whom? A secret admirer. Oh, so exciting!
Quest completed

Return to Mary tomorrow.

Tyra needs your help up at the Winery.
A Ghost in the Wine Cellar
Hello Rita. Can you help me with something? Please?
You see, the Baroness wants me to get a bottle of her finest wine from the wine cellar. She is going to serve her finest wine next weekend at her dinner with the Councilman. So I went down in the wine cellar and started to look for the bottle.
Suddenly I heard a horrible noise and the whole ground started to shake! I was so frightened that I just dropped everything and ran out of there. I don’t want to go in there again but the Baroness is going to be angry if I don’t do what I’m told. Can you get the bottle for me?
The wine cellar is at the other end of the winery. There is a door to it in the factory building behind the stores.
Objectives: Go down in the vineyard wine cellar and get the bottle of wine for the Baroness. The wine cellar is at the other end of the winery and there is a door behind the shops.
Rewards: 10 Jorvik Shillings, 10 XP
Reputation: 5 with Silverglade Village
Ride north from Tyra, past the manor. The door to the cellar is on the east side of the winery building.
Once in the cellar, go down the stairs and turn left into the first door, then go right into the next room, to get the wine.
Watch out for ghosts on the way down!
Eh… This doesn’t look like northern Jorvik…
Quest completed
This Isn’t North Link
Hello there! Where am I anyways? In a wine cellar? Eh? I must have taken a wrong turn somewhere…
Wait! Don’t go! Let me tell you all about it. This is how it is. Today is my first day as a trainee at G.E.D. by North Link and the first thing they did was show me their new drilling machine. Here is your new job they said, just drive it straight. Then they said good luck and walked off to drink more coffee.
So I figured I’d better do what they tell me to… But it seems like I drove the machine a little crooked. If the boss finds out I’ll get fired right away. I’m so unlucky.
What should I do now? I have no idea. This is so embarrassing. Can you help me get out of this fix I’m in?
Objectives: Speak with the trainee again.
Rewards: 10 Jorvik Shillings, 5 XP
Reputation: 5 with Silverglade Manor
I know exactly how you feel, dude. Getting poor training and you muff everything up on your first day.
What do I think I should do? I have no idea…
Quest completed
Which Bottle is the Right One for the Baroness?
You can’t come up with anything? Please, try and think of something. Please!
A bottle of wine? Yes, there is a bottle on the shelf here beside me of the finest Chateau Silverglade 1955, it has a complex taste with an excellent bouquet and a strong finish. An excellent choice for a formal meal. How do I know? Both my mother and father were sommeliers so I’ve been learning about wine since I could crawl.
You are going to take the wine to the Baroness so that she won’t come down and look around here? Ok, but don’t leave me in the lurch. Co back as soon as you can.
Objectives: Take the bottle from the shelf by the trainee and deliver it to the Baroness.
Rewards: 50 Jorvik Shillings, 10 XP
Reputation: 15 with Silverglade Manor
Pick up the bottle behind the trainee and take it back outside to the Baroness.
And in case you were wondering, a sommelier is a wine steward; someone who is knowledgeable about many different wines and their tastes. They often work at high-end restaurants, and probably have more class than your average bartender.
Also, let’s hope he learned that info about wine from his parents, because he looks too young to drink.
How about that, that is the bottle I was looking for last week. Ah, from 1955. I didn’t know you were a wine expert Rita. But normally the staff is very dependable. But this took strangely long time.
Quest completed
Organization of Years
You are an orderly girl Rita, how could it take so long?
Of course it is probably my own fault. It has been years since I have been down in the wine cellar… It must be very disorganize down there by now. I think it would be for the best if I went down there and looked into it myself. Rita, let’s go down and take a look right now.
What’s that? There is a wasp nest on the cellar stairs? Would you do me a favor and get rid of it? I’m allergic to bees you know.
Objectives: Go down into the wine cellar again and speak with the trainee.
Rewards: 10 Jorvik Shillings, 10 XP
Reputation: 5 with Silverglade Manor
Go down to ‘get rid of the bees’ and warn the trainee that the Baroness is coming.
Oh no! The Baroness is on her way here? She’s not going to be happy when she sees what I’ve done. What are we going to do?
Quest completed
To Hide a Cellar
What should we do? I have no idea… Hide the hole in the wall? We can’t do that…
What? Block the door with barrels? I’m not sure I understand but I’ll trust you. Don’t shut me in here. I promise I won’t make a sound. I’ll be quiet as a mouse!
Objectives: Pick up the barrels in the cellar and block the door with them. Then speak with the Baroness again.
Rewards: 20 Jorvik Shillings, 20 XP
Reputation: 15 with Silverglade Manor
Pick up the barrels, then go outside the room to place them. Once they are all up, go out of the cellar and speak with the Baroness.
Hello young lady. Is the wasp nest gone now? Excellent. Meet me in the wine cellar as soon as you can.
Quest completed
The Baroness is now down in the cellar in front of the room you just blocked off. Go down in the cellar to speak with her again.
Renovation of the Wine Cellar
It is overflowing with wine in the cellar! How could we fill up the cellar all the way up to the door? It has been a good couple of years now but I didn’t know it had been this good. We need to expand the cellar!
Can you take care of this development Rita? Great! Can you see to it that the cellar gets renovated? I promise you will be well compensated for your efforts. Were agreed then! Let me know when you are done. It will be so exciting to see the new cellar. Work quickly dear.
See you soon!
Objectives: Move the barrels again and speak with the trainee.
Rewards: 10 Jorvik Shillings, 5 XP
Reputation: 5 with Silverglade Manor
With the Baroness safely out of sight, take down the barrels and speak with the trainee.
Oh no! How are we going to fix this Rita?
Quest completed
A Big Hole to Fill
I’m not good at this kind of thing… Digging a hole and then filling it back in… But for this I think concrete would do the trick. I know there is tons of it up at North Link.
How are we going to get a few tons of cement here? I have no idea…
But I’m sure you will come up with something… You are as smart as a Nobel Prize winner. Maybe you can find a way to fool the boss up there.
Come back as soon as you can!
Objectives: Ride to North Link and find some concrete. The boss should know something.
Rewards: 5 Jorvik Shillings, 10 XP
Reputation: 5 with Silverglade Manor
Who said we would have to fool him? We’re friends. He owes me a big favor anyway…
Ride up to the North Link construction site and speak with the crew lead there.
Concrete? Listen up, don’t go thinking we just give out concrete to anyone who asks for it. Anyways, we don’t have an concrete right now. The last delivery has gotten lost on its way here.
Quest completed
Lost Concrete
Whew. Can you believe it. The guy who drove the truck sent an SMS saying he was driving around Jorvik and doesn’t know where he is I have no idea where he could be… Can you figure out what his message is supposed to mean?
“Heya! I got lost. North of me is a windmill. To the west is a big castle. I have no idea where I am. I’m super tired right now. Cant drive more now. Stopped on a hill. Come find me. /Lightning”
I don’t really get what he is trying to say… and I have a lot of other things to do. Maybe you can find him and give him directions to here? Great. I’ll SMS him and say you will be coming to find him.
Objectives: Find the lost concrete truck.
Rewards: 10 Jorvik Shillings, 15 XP
Reputation: 5 with Silverglade Manor
I am aware the clue to the truck is confusing. I have contacted game support to change it but have not heard back from them yet, as of writing this.
The truck is to the west of the castle. It is on the road south of the Winery.
Here is a map of its exact location. It is a big giant yellow dump truck, and hard to miss as long as you are on the correct road.
What’s up? Is it you who is going to show me the way to the building site? I have tons of cement I need to get rid of. Where should I take it? I don’t really know. The directions I got are worthless.
Quest completed
New Instructions for the Driver
So you have directions to the build site? To the farm up there? To a factory by the farm? That is very close to here. Excellent!
Ok. I’ll drive there and unload the concrete in the cellar. No problem.
Great, we’ll see you at the Winery then!
Objectives: Ride and meet the driver with the cement delivery by the factory at the Winery.
Rewards: 10 Jorvik Shillings, 15 XP
Reputation: 20 with Silverglade Manor
Go up to the factory building. The truck will be parked in front of it.
Speak to the truck driver when you get there.
It’s funny how he magically disappears as soon as you turn your back to him.
Hello there! I took a bit of a roundabout way here but it got me here before you anyways. They don’t call me Lightning for nothing! Ok, so we are all set to unload the concrete now. This is going to take a while so you might as well come back tomorrow. You can trust old Lightening. 
Cheers! We’ll see you tomorrow.
Quest completed

Return to the Truck Driver tomorrow.

Mississppi Jones Quests – Day 15, 16, 17, 18

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These quests cover several days, but I am putting them all together on one post.

Day 15

Jame’s Treasure Hunt
Heya Rita! I was surfing J-Bay the other day and made a great deal. A real treasure map! Well… at least one out of the four pieces of one. If I could only get a hold of the other three parts then I could find the treasure. I’m sure it is amazing! There were two parts up for sale but I only managed to buy one of them. Someone called “Butler_o1″ bought the other one… the only thing I know about him is that he also lives on Jorvik.
If you help me find the other parts of the map I’ll split the treasure with you. What do you say? If you are up for it you should start with figuring out who “Butler_01″ is and try to get his part of the map.
Objectives: Find the person who calls themself “Butler_01″ on the internet. They live somewhere on Jorvik. The name must be a clue as to who they really are.
Rewards: 5 Jorvik Shillings, 20 XP
Reputation: 15 with…
The only butler we know is Godfrey. Let’s go talk to him about this.
Uh, “Butler_01″? Yes, that is me. How did you know?
Quest completed
A Digital Library
I see Rita, you can absolutely have part of the map but then I want my share of the treasure. We have plans to scan in all the books in the library to make them available for everyone in the world to enjoy. Unfortunately we haven’t had the money to get it done… so this treasure would really give us exactly what we need.
Take my piece of the map and ride over to James. Let him know that I want to share of the treasure as part of the deal.
Objectives: Ride back to James and tell him what the Butler said.
Rewards: 15 Jorvik Shillings, 5 XP
Reputation: 15 with Fort Pinta
Take the map back to James in Fort Pinta
Oh come on Rita… did you promise to give away a share of the treasure to the butler? Don’t you know how to negotiate? This is how it is done. You made the deal with the butler so you can split your share with him!
Quest completed
James is getting a little greedy now. These quests really make me not like him….
The Other Part of the Map
I’ve been surfing on Jorvikipedia while you were gone Rita. The map belonged to the famous American treasure hunter Mississippi Jones. He died a long time ago, but he was an adventurer who came to Jorvik a generation ago. His heirs couldn’t decide on how to split the treasure so they tore the map in four pieces and kept one piece each. I was lucky to find a lead on his daughter, California Jones. Her grave is somewhere nearby, but I’m not sure exactly where… it only says she was buried with a view of Fort Pinta… the town she loved so much.
Objectives: Find the grave of California Jones. It should be somewhere with a great view of Fort Pinta.
Rewards: 5 Jorvik Shillings, 15 XP
Reputation: 15 with Fort Pinta
The only graveyard close to Fort Pinta is in Doyle’s Abbey, though it isn’t much of a view for all the bushes.
The grave is in the northeastern corner of the Abbey.
“This must be the grave of California Jones…”
Quest complete
Where Did the Bouquet of Flowers Come From?
“A bouquet of dandelions. Don’t I know someone who likes dandelions? Maybe that person can help me find the next piece of the map. I guess I should bring the bouquet of dandelions.”
Objectives: Someone has placed a bouquet of dandelions on the grave, find the person who put it there.
Rewards: 15 Jorvik Shillings, 20 XP
Reputation: 35 with…
Mrs Holdsworth is the master of dandelions and fixing sick cows. Go speak with her in Moorland.
Heya Rita! Those are some nice dandelions! Yes, California Jones was my grandmother. She loved dandelions so I put a bouquet of them on her grave every year. An old part of a map? I think I might have it in a box somewhere.
Quest completed
Think of the Poor Little Foals
Sure, you can have my part of the map. But of course you need to share the treasure you find with me. My share will be given to the Jorvik Home for Orphan Foals. All those poor little foals with no mothers… sniff…
Here is my part of the map. Make sure James knows about the deal!
Objectives: Ride back to James and tell him what Mrs Holdsworth said.
Rewards: 5 Jorvik Shillings, 5 XP
Reputation: 15 with Fort Pinta
Tell James about the deal and the next piece of the map, though he won’t be happy about it.
What are you thinking Rita? Now Mrs Holdsworth is in on the treasure too? That is also coming out of your share! If you keep doing this there won’t be anything left for you at all!
Quest completed

Return to James tomorrow.


Day 16

A Final Piece of the Map
I’ve been doing a bit more research on Jorvikipedia and trying to find out more about the last piece of the map. I’m pretty sure it is in Silverglade Village. Mississippi’s son Washington left everything he had to the people of Jorvik. All his possessions were taken care of by the council in Silverglade.
Objectives: Speak with the Councilman in Silverglade Village and ask about the will of Washington Jones.
Rewards: 20 Jorvik Shillings, 15 XP
Reputation: 10 with Silverglade Village
The Councilman is near town hall in the center of town. Speak to him about the last part of the map.
Ah yes… Washington Jones left everything he had to us. An old piece of a map? That must be stored in the archives.
Quest completed
Archived Inheritance
The archives aren’t in Silverglade Village anymore. Which ironically is mostly because of Washington Jones. He was an avid collector of just about everything. When we went to archive his collection it filled up the entire basement of the city hall. It really wasn’t practical in the long run so everything was moved to Firgrove. Ride over there and ask my colleague there, I’m sure he will know all about it.
Objectives: Speak with the Councilman in Firgrove about the collection of Washington Jones.
Rewards: 10 Jorvik Shillings, 10 XP
Reputation: 10 with Firgrove
Ride to Firgrove, and speak with Mr Franklin. He can be found at the town hall across from the stables.
Good day Rita. Washington Jones collection? Yes it was stored here. But it isn’t here anymore.
Quest completed
Deep in the Archives
Washington Jones collection was so big we were forced to hire out a place in an old mine around here. There was a lot of unused space in that old mine. It is shut down now and there was a big spring so unfortunately I’m not sure what has happened to the collection. If you are lucky the old piece of the map might still be there. You should ride over there and have a look. Good luck!
Objectives: Find the piece of the map by the old mine outside Firgrove and ride back to the Councilman in Firgrove.
Rewards: 25 Jorvik Shillings, 20 XP
Reputation: 20 with Firgrove
Funny how no one is really concerned precious artifacts could possibly have been destroyed in the flood.
The mine is highlighted in orange on your map, so it should be easy to find. It is down behind the sandpit, and can be seen from the road. Go to the mine and look for a bunch of wooden boxes laying on the ground. Search all of them, then return to Mr Franklin.
Look at that. There we have the old piece of the map.
Quest completed
Take the Last Piece of the Map to Fort Pinta
That piece of the map belongs to all the people of Jorvik so I can’t just give it to you. If you want this piece then you will have to share the treasure with the people of Jorvik. We need every shilling we can get to build new roads and new stalls.
Objectives: Ride back to James and tell him what has happened.
Rewards: 5 Jorvik Shillings, 25 XP
Reputation: 30 with Fort Pinta
Speak with James in Fort Pinta. Mr Greedypants surely won’t be happy though.
Bah… not again! That is coming out of your share again Rita. You’ll never be a good businessman…
Quest completed

Return to James tomorrow.


Day 17

A Whole Map
Now I’ve put together the map but I still don’t understand it… Here is the map Rita, you can give finding the treasure a try. I need to take care of my customers that are here and want to spend money in Fort Pinta. I don’t have more time for looking for treasure now. Come back when you have found the treasure.
Objectives: Follow the map to Mississippi Jones’ treasure.
Rewards: 10 Jorvik Shillings, 15 XP
Reputation: 5 with Fort Pinta
And this lazy bum wants HALF the treasure. Yet he hasn’t done squat!
The map shows the profile view of the Fort Pinta bridge, with the X marking right next to the wall. Ride towards the bridge, and you’ll see the clue across from the stable.
“Hmm… this might be something. A loose stone in the wall.”
Quest completed
The First Clue
“HA! Did you really think it would be that easy? If you want the treasure of Mississippi Jones you are going to have to work for it! It isn’t easy, but I can’t have just any idiot finding my treasure.
The map is only the first clue. If you want to find the next clue you will need to make your way to Doyle’s Chapel. Ride there but don’t leave the path a bird would take between here and there.
-Mississippi Jones”
Objectives: Follow the clue’s directions.
Rewards: 30 Jorvik Shillings, 10 XP
Reputation: 5 with Fort Pinta
The clue references the saying “as the crow flies” which means to travel in a straight line. You don’t need to go to Doyle’s Chapel. The next clue is along that line towards the chapel though.
The next clue can be found on a little stone in the sand, off the road, between Fort Pinta and Doyle’s Chapel.
“You have passed my first test. But now it will only get harder.
-Mississippi Jones”
Quest completed
The Second Clue
“Follow the beach towards the river. By the smallest pillar where the river comes out you will find the next clue.
-Mississippi Jones”
Objectives: Follow the clue’s directions.
Rewards: 30 Jorvik Shillings, 10 XP
Reputation: 5 with Fort Pinta
The next clue is found on the smallest stone pillar on Thorny Banks.
“That was the second clue, that wasn’t that hard was it?”
Quest completed
The Third Clue
“Follow the running water and look for a way across. Right there by the water’s edge you will find the next clue.
-Mississippi Jones”
Objectives: Follow the clue’s directions.
Rewards: 20 Jorvik Shillings, 10 XP
Reputation: 5 with Fort Pinta
The next clue is by the southern bridge crossing the Silversong River. You’ll have to go back up on the road to get to it as you cannot follow the beach all the way there.
The next clue is on the east edge of the river, down on the south side of the bridge. It is a little log sticking out of the sand.
“Now it is beginning to get exciting! You haven’t given up have you?
-Mississippi Jones”
Quest completed
The Fourth Clue
“Stand in the center of the bridge and look at the castle. Ride in that direction and before you are half way there you will find the next clue.
-Mississippi Jones”
Objectives: Follow the clue’s directions.
Rewards: 10 Jorvik Shillings, 10 XP
Reputation: 5 with Fort Pinta
The next clue is a couple of rocks, halfway up the hill, in the Fields of Gold.
“You are getting closer… but there is a way to go yet.
-Mississippi Jones”
Quest completed
The Fifth Clue
“Go up the nearest road and ride back to the place where you began the hunt. Where three roads meet you will find the next clue.
-Mississippi Jones”
Objectives: Follow the clue’s directions.
Rewards: 10 Jorvik Shillings, 10 XP
Reputation: 5 with Fort Pinta
If you ride the U shaped road back towards Fort Pinta you’ll find the next clue at the intersection. It is on the corner of the stone fence.
“You are really determined to find the treasure. We’re getting close now…
-Mississippi Jones”
Quest completed
The Sixth Clue
“Next to you is a high cliff. Ride up on it and look around for the next clue.
-Mississippi Jones”
Objectives: Follow the clue’s directions.
Rewards: 10 Jorvik Shillings, 10 XP
Reputation: 5 with Fort Pinta
The next clue is at the top of the cliff, across from Doyle’s Chapel. You’ll have to ride a bit to the south to get to the base of it. The clue is a flower pot at the very top.
“The final clue is coming up. Don’t give up.
-Mississippi Jones”
Quest completed
The Seventh Clue
“You are now almost there. Look again towards the castle. In front of it you see the druids’ monument. At the foot of the monument you will find the next test.
-Mississippi Jones”
Objectives: Follow the clue’s directions.
Rewards: 10 Jorvik Shillings, 10 XP
Reputation: 5 with Fort Pinta
The old druid circle is up on the hill between where you are and the castle. Go to the large stone in the middle for the next quest.
“There is no note here with a new clue. But this has to be the place that Mississippi Jones meant. That rock looks a little strange, I wonder what the runes mean…”
Quest completed
The Druids Know
“These runes seem really old, who can help me read them? Elizabeth probably knows what they mean. I should ride to Valedale and speak with her right away.”
Objectives: Ride over and speak with Elizabeth.
Rewards: 50 Jorvik Shillings, 40 XP
Reputation: 30 with Fort Pinta
Your treasure hunt is only partway done. Ask Elizabeth for help with the runes.
The old runestone? Yes I know that one. But what the runes mean I’ve never really thought about. I’ll go over there later and have a look. Why don’t you come back tomorrow and I’ll tell you what they mean.
Quest completed

Return to Elizabeth tomorrow.


Day 18

The First Stone
Now I’ve been to look at the runestone you asked me about. Fascinating really Rita. The runes tell the story of an ancient ritual that will open the mountain… whatever that means. Mississippi Jones must have figured out the ritual and hidden his treasure there. The good news is we druids learn that ritual in pre-school so I know exactly how to open it.
To open the mountain you’ll need to collect four different stones. They will be used in the ritual later. But first we need to find the stones. The first stone is red volcanic rock and you’ll find it in the mountain at the end of Everwind Fields. You need to find a way deep into the mountain to get that stone. I’m not sure how but I am sure you will figure out a way to do it. Maybe you can ask someone there to help you?
Objectives: Ride to the north part of Everwind Fields, once you are there try to find a way in to the heart of the mountain to get some red volcanic rock. Maybe you can ask someone there to help you.
Rewards: 10 Jorvik Shillings, 5 XP
Reputation: 5 with Keepers of Aideen
The Crew Lead on the construction site will know how to help you. Speak with him.
Red volcanic rock?
Quest completed
Red Stones in Large Quantities
Red volcanic rock? I have millions of red volcanic rocks, take your pick. When we blasted out the tunnel we filled truck after truck with them. They are behind the big cliff there.
Objectives: Choose a red volcanic rock and ride back to Elizabeth.
Rewards: 20 Jorvik Shillings, 20 XP
Reputation: 15 with Keepers of Aideen
To get to the rocks, go out of the construction site, and go past the hill that Mr Bucket was standing on, where one tower of the gondola lift is anchored. Go around the other side of this hill and head back in the direction of the construction site. The red rocks are on the ground. Take one of them and return to Elizabeth in Valedale.
Good Rita, that volcanic rock will be perfect.
Quest completed
Earth Stone
The next rock you need to find is a kind of Earth Stone. You can usually find this kind of stone in freshly dug ground. Around the Winery there should be lots of them… it shouldn’t be hard to get one. Speak with someone at the winery.
Objectives: Ride over and speak with someone at the winery about where you can find an earth stone.
Rewards: 10 Jorvik Shillings, 5 XP
Reputation: 5 with Keepers of Aideen
Judy is up with all the happenings around the winery. She should know where the earth stones are.
Earth Stone? We have more than we want all over the winery. The Baroness thinks they are ugly so we have cleared away all that we could find.
Quest completed
At the End of the Vine
Where can you find an earth stone? Hrmmm… We’ve thrown away all we could find. Maybe if you look at the edge of the fields around the winery. Good luck!
Objectives: Look around the edge of the winery fields for an earth stone.
Rewards: 20 Jorvik Shillings, 20 XP
Reputation: 15 with Keepers of Aideen
They are scattered through most of the outer fields of the winery. The easiest one to get to is in the back of the winery. Cross the little bridge, and they are in the lower tier field. It is the same field that you check the soil instruments for Carney.
Return to Elizabeth when you have found one.
Have they thrown away all the earth stones? Lucky there was at least one left. Well done!
Quest completed
Moss Stone
The Moss Stone you need is rare but we used to be able to find them by the Silversong River beach. Look there. It might take a while but I’m sure you will find one.
Objectives: Look around the Silversong River beach for a Moss Stone.
Rewards: 20 Jorvik Shillings, 15 XP
Reputation: 10 with Keepers of Aideen
I’m sure they can be found in other places along the beach, but the one I found was on the little bit of beach where the land juts into the river, south of the southern most bridge, on the Firgrove side of the river.
Return to Elizabeth when you have found one.
Was it had to find a moss stone? Well done!
Quest completed
Star Stone
Star Stones can be found high up in the mountains around here. It is hard to ride up there… but wait! I have an idea! Look around the rocky outcrops by the road on the way to Valedale lake. When they were building the road I’m sure they knocked down some Star Stones and they should still be there.
Objectives: Look along the road to Valedale lake for a Star Stone.
Rewards: 20 Jorvik Shillings, 15 XP
Reputation: 10 with Keepers of Aideen
Take the Valedale Lake road, and after the last switchback, just before you get to the top, there’s grass of to the left of the road, that you can ride on. You have to go through some bushes (take it slow so you don’t fall off the cliff, oops!) and there are some Star Stones on the ground there.
Return to Elizabeth when you have found one.
Well done! I wasn’t sure you would be able to find a Star Stone. But we can always count on you Rita!
Quest completed
Runestone Secret
Now that you have all the different stones it is time to solve the riddle of the Runestone. I’m sure you understand by now that this is a puzzle. I’ not going to explain how it is done… look at this as a test. Instead I’m going to tell you the meaning of the runes and see if you can figure it out for yourself.
So, now you will be able to read what is written on the runestones. Ride over there now and good luck!
Objectives: Ride over to the druid stone and solve the puzzle with the stones.
Rewards: 30 Jorvik Shillings, 30 XP
Reputation: 40 with Keepers of Aideen
Ride back to the runestone so that you can begin the puzzle.
“You are back at the runestone. Now we’ll see what it says…”
Quest completed
Earth Colors
“Place the stones in order from inside to out after color, from the planet’s core and outwards.”
Objectives: Solve the puzzle with the druid stones.
Rewards: 10 Jorvik Shillings, 30 XP
Reputation: 40 with Keepers of Aideen
Place the stones in order from the planet’s core and outwards (volcanic, earth, moss, star), starting with the innermost stone on the pedestal closest to the central runestone. They must be placed in that exact order on the correct pedestal. If you have trouble finding which pedestal is which, click on it, and it will tell you which stone to place on it.
“The stones are gone!”
Quest completed
Return to Fort Pinta
“Whoa! Where the stone was… now there is a chest instead! Inside it you find  bunch of silver coins, and old statue, and a gorgeous hat. It is time to return to Fort Pinta and tell James what you found.”
Objectives: Ride back to James in Fort Pinta and show him the treasure.
Rewards: 1 Jorvik Shilling, 10 XP
Reputation: 100 with Fort Pinta
Time to show our greedy little friend what we found.
Hahaha Rita! You did it! Now we can have a look. A bunch of silver coins… an ugly statue… an old moldy hat… I can trust you and you can absolutely trust me! You get the ugly statue and hat and I’ll take the silver coins. That seems more than fair, you get two things and I only get one. I know, you don’t need to say anything, I am too generous for my own good sometimes.
Have a great day! See you later.
Quest completed
Share the Treasure
Are you still here? I’ve got a bunch of important things to do right now… but maybe you should ride over to the councilman in Firgrove and share your share of the treasure with him… as we agreed before. Here, take a silver coin as a souvenir. You don’t need to thank me.
See you!
Objectives: Ride over to the councilman in Firgrove and tell him about the disappointing end to the treasure hunt.
Rewards: 500 Jorvik Shillings, 35 XP, Mississippi Jones’ Hat
Reputation: 100 with Firgrove
This is why I hate you James, sniveling little whelp…
Show Mr Franklin in Firgrove what you have found.
So you found the treasure? Fantastic! What’s that? James took all the silver coins? Let’s see the coin you have. Hmmm… hehe. That is a ten-pence, worth about half a shilling. I doubt that James has even earned back what he paid for his piece of the map on those. But you got an amazing adventure, am I right?
Wait a minute… that statue… let me have a closer look at it.Wow! You know what you have found?!
An ancient statue made by the old horse tribes here on Jorvik. This is a priceless cultural artifact! This belongs to all the people of Jorvik so it needs to be displayed so everyone can see it. As an archaeological find I need to take this from you right now… but you should get your reward for finding it. I will see that the Butler and Mrs Holdsworth get their share of the reward but you definitely deserve your share. You have done Jorvik a great service Rita. Thank you! You should keep that fantastic hat. It looks great on you, I have to say.
Quest completed
Good to know James didn’t make his money back, but I still don’t like him…

Day 15, Chipper Chipmunks

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The Mississippi Jones quests start on this day, but I am putting those quests on its own post.
A Shipment of Cabbage is on Its Way
You know what? The cabbage has arrived! Take this pile of cabbage and put them into the holes in the field, as the vet said. Then we’ll see if the small creatures will act friendly towards you.
Objectives: Place the cabbage into the holes the chipmunks have dug on Steve’s field, to the east of his farm.
Rewards: 25 Jorvik Shillings, 65 XP
Reputation: 30 with Silverglade Village
Yep, just stuff it down there, and watch the critters jump with glee!
Return to Steve when you have placed all of the cabbage.
So they peeked up from the holes and seemed happy? Great!
Quest completed
A New Home for the Chipmunks
What do you think about letting them live behind the barn? In the corner of the old wall where the race starts. Then we won’t have to walk very far when it’s time to give them cabbage.
Here, take these signs and put them up around here so no one walks or rides into this area and gets hurt. We don’t want any tourists to get stuck either.
Objectives: Put up signs behind the barn at Steve’s farm.
Rewards: 14 Jorvik Shillings, 45 XP
Reputation: 30 with Silverglade Village
Put the signs in the area next to the finish line of the race.
Return to Steve when you have done so.
Well done Rita. Now we’ve made a new home for our small friends.
Quest completed
A Bathtub for the Chipmunks
What? You think we should give them a bathtub? Aha, the vet said that they like to take baths because they get so dirty when they dig. Yes, that sounds fair. Barney at the silo has some old water troughs and I’m sure he’ll give one to us.
Barney used to be outside his silo to the east of us, not far away. Oh, that’s right, you’ve met him before.
Objectives: Talk to Barney at the silo, east of Steve’s farm, to get an old water trough.
Rewards: 12 Jorvik Shillings, 55 XP
Reputation: 30 with Silverglade Village
Ride to Barney’s silo and ask him about getting a water trough.
An old water trough? As a bathtub for chipmunks? Steve seems to get weirder each day. I think he’s using my grain for other things than feeding the birds…
Quest completed
Hunt for the Perfect Bathtub!
Of course you can take an old water trough. I think there’s one behind the silo. If you can find one and it’s not broken you can take it.
Objectives: Look for a trough that’s not broken. You can search behind Barney’s silo.
Rewards: 15 Jorvik Shillings, 35 XP
Reputation: 25 with Silverglade Village
Go around on the other side of the silo from which Barney is standing and select one of the several little water troughs lying around. When you have found a good one bring it to Steve.
That’s a fine trough.
Quest completed
Interior Decoration for Chipmunks
So, you can put it right there… At the chipmunk’s future home.
Objectives: Place the trough at the chipmunk’s new area behind the barn at Steve’s farm.
Rewards: 17 Jorvik Shillings, 55 XP
Reputation: 30 with Silverglade Village
Put the trough on the ground in the middle of the area that you blocked off with the signs. Return to Steve when you’re done.
So, now it’s done.
Quest completed
Housewarming Party
Take the rest of the cabbage and put it in the chipmunks’ new home so we can see if they want to go there.
Objectives: Place the pile of cabbage in the chipmunks’ new home behind the barn at Steve’s farm.
Rewards: 15 Jorvik Shillings, 75 XP
Reputation: 50 with Silverglade Village
Put the pile of cabbage in the middle of the marked off area. Return to Steve when you have done so.
How nice they moved here so fast! I think they like both you and the cabbage a lot. I hope they’ll live and be happy here in their new home so one one will fall down in holes any more. Thank you again for an assignment well done. You can come back and help me feed them if you want to.
Quest completed
Repair the Field
Rita! I almost forgot. The old holes that the chipmunks made have to be filled. They’re too dangerous. Take this shovel and fill them. When you come back I’ll have a nice reward for you!
Objectives: Use Steve’s shovel and fill all the holes on the east of the farm, then return to Steve when it’s done.
Rewards: 50 Jorvik Shillings, 90 XP, Good Riding Pants
Reputation: 75 with Silverglade Village
Go up into the field behind the stable, where the first holes are. You have to be dismounted to use the shovel. Return to Steve when you have filled in all of the holes.
Thanks! We are done for now. We have to wait and see if any more mysterious small animals show up on my farm. If they do I know who to call for help, don’t I?
Have a nice day here in Silverglade, Rita!
Quest competed
Let’s go help Olaf with the gondola lift now.
Now We Need a Crane
There we go. The foundations are set. I realized last night that we need something else. We need a crane to hang up the cables. Ask the guy down at North Link if he has a crane to lend us.
Objectives: Ask Bengt, the builder at North Link, about borrowing a crane.
Rewards: 10 Jorvik Shillings, 10 XP
Reputation: 10 with Silverglade Village
Go into the construction site and speak with the Crew Lead.
A crane? Yes I do have one.
Quest completed
Love at First Video Game
What a woman Rita! She is perfect, except for maybe that she never lets me win a single game. She is a genius when it comes to video games.
Psst… You need to help me. I really want to propose to her. I have bought a ring… but it isn’t enough. Find a gift for her that really shows her how much I really care for her and my crane is yours for as long as you need it. She loves Pole Bending as much as I do… maybe something to do with that?
Objectives: Find the perfect present for Ms Morse. Something to do with Pole Bending maybe?
Rewards: 10 Jorvik Shillings, 20 XP
Reputation: 10 with Moorland Stable
Josh in Moorland knows a lot about Pole Bending. Go speak with him.
A gift that has something to do with Pole Bending? Hrmmm…
Quest completed
Ok Rita. I’ll give my all for love. Take my trophy that I won in the Pole Bending World Championship a few years ago. What do you think?
It isn’t very romantic, I know. But speak with Tan. Maybe she can help you make it a bit more romantic.
Objectives: Speak with Tan about making the trophy more romantic.
Rewards: 5 Jorvik Shillings, 15 XP
Reputation: 5 with Moorland Stable
With the next couple quests, you have to pick up the trophy. It won’t be automatically put into your inventory. I keep making the mistake of running to the next person, and then getting there and realizing that I forgot to pick up the trophy. So don’t do that!
Romance? If there is anyone who understands that it is me! If I can just borrow the trophy for a second I’ll make it storybook romantic. Just wait a second…
Quest completed
A Romantic Trophy
Just look at that! Completely pink!
Of course, you said she was a little older. This might need a little more. Speak with Mrs Holdsworth, she is as old as the hills.
Objectives: Speak with Mrs Holdsworth about making the trophy more appropriate for an older person.
Rewards: 5 Jorvik Shillings, 10 XP
Reputation: 5 with Moorland Stable
Mrs Holdsworth is still by her little cottage behind Moorland Stables.
Aha. I understand what you mean. It feels a little childish to me too. A little more class and style is what this trophy needs. I know exactly what this needs. Give me a minute.
Quest completed
A Flower Trophy
There we go. I’ve planted dandelions in it. Elegant, classic and tasteful. I put it on the table over there, look how great it looks.
It needs more you think? She loves heavy metal, you say? Speak with the guys down near Dark Core’s landing place. They look like the heavy metal type.
Objectives: Speak with the shady guys down by Dark Core’s landing place on the beach outside Moorland Stables. They look like heavy metal fans.
Rewards: 5 Jorvik Shillings, 10 XP
Reputation: 5 with Moorland Stable
Cadmium, arsenic, iron, mercury, I’m fans of them all.
The Dark Core man is down next to one of the big shipping containers on the beach.
I forgot to note the dialogue for the end of this quest, sorry!
A Scary Trophy
Look now. Cool right? I glued a bunch of skulls on it. Now it is super cool. Who wouldn’t want something this awesome? Here you go… now get out of here!
Objectives: Give the improved trophy to Bengt, the builder at North Link.
Rewards: 5 Jorvik Shillings, 10 XP
Reputation: 5 with Silverglade Village
Ride back to North Link and give the trophy to the Crew Lead on the construction site.
Wow! Rita, I have tears in my eyes it is so amazing. But something is missing… something that says it is from me. I just need to add a little something.
Quest completed
A Finished Trophy
There, now it is perfect! I’ve welded on a little excavator on the top so she always thinks of me when she sees it.
Can you give it to her for me? I’m too shy… cross your fingers and hope that she likes it.!
Objectives: Give the trophy to Ms Morse.
Rewards: 10 Jorvik Shillings, 10 XP
Reputation: 15 with Silverglade Village
Ms Morse stands next to Bengt. Give her the trophy.
What is this here? I think I’m going to faint. It is the nicest thing I’ve ever seen. Nobody has ever given me a gift like this. Bengt really is the perfect man.
Bengt, I love you!
Quest completed
The Crane is on Its Way
Oh Rita, Bengt is truly the world’s kindest man. I will make sure he sends the crane right away. We’ll just play a little bit of the Pole Bending race first. Ride over and speak with the Build Master now.
Objectives: Speak with Build Master Olaf.
Rewards: 110 Jorvik Shillings, 15 XP
Reputation: 5 with Silverglade Village
Olaf is still down on the little trail in front of the Baroness’ race track.
So the crane is on its way? Great job!
Quest completed

Return to Olaf tomorrow.

Let’s go help Marley with getting his jumping track ready.
A Shop Without Goods
Hi Rita! Do you know what I realized? I forgot to order goods for the store. There will be a lot of customers now when the track is open so the items I have left will be sold in a minute. I’ll order the right away! Talk to me again when I’m done.
Objectives: Talk to Marley.
Rewards: 25 Jorvik Shillings, 40 XP
Reputation: 50 with Silverglade Village
Speak with Marley after he has ordered the new inventory.
That went fast, huh? I’ve ordered clothes from Valedale and horse gear from Firgrove. The items are ordered but not delivered and I don’t want to wait one more day for the postman to deliver it. And that’s why I need you.
Quest completed
The next two quests I’m going to write the separately but you can take them and do them both at the same time. Save yourself two trips back and forth.
Clothes for the Customers
Ride to Valedale and retrieve a box of clothes I’ve ordered. It’ll be outside the clothing store in Valedale, ready to be picked up… Thanks for helping me Rita, you’re a real friend!
Take the opportunity to shop in Valedale and enter the competition by the Valedale Lake when you’re in the neighborhood!
Objectives: Ride to Valedale and get  package of clothes that Marley ordered. The package is outside the Valedale Vestments.
Rewards: 25 Jorvik Shillings, 40 XP
Reputation: 50 with Silverglade Village
The clothes store is next to the stables, and behind Elizabeth’s house. The clothes are on the portico of the hotel rooms, next to the clothes store. They’re kind of hidden in the flowers and hard to see.
Return to Marley when you’ve completed the quests.
Super fantastic! Soon, we’ll be ready to open for real!
Quest completed
Something for the Horses Too
When it comes to horse gear, Firgrove is the place. Their craft is really something special. Ride to Firgrove and pick up the package I’ve ordered, ok? Great Rita! I knew I could count on you!
You can take the opportunity to race and shop in Firgrove if you want to. It’s not that urgent.
Objectives: Ride to Firgrove and get the horse gear Marley ordered. It’s outside the gear shop in Firgrove Village.
Rewards: 25 Jorvik Shillings, 40 XP
Reputation: 50 with Silverglade Village
The gear shop is directly next to the stables, and the gear is piled right outside the shop.
Return to Marley when you’ve completed the quests.
Fantastic!! I have more than enough horse gear in my shop now!
Quest competed

Return to Marley tomorrow.

Barney has finished with the beetroot dye now.
Red Dye for the Riding Vest
Hi Rita! I have harvested the beetroots now. They have the most wonderful red color you can imagine! I have squeezed them for you so the dye is ready. I can promise you that the tailor will be happy.
Objectives: Take the red dye to the tailor in Silverglade Village.
Rewards: 55 Jorvik Shillings, 90 XP
Reputation: 45 with Silverglade Village
Donald will be happy with this pretty red color!
Thank you Rita! Such a beautiful red color, it’s above my expectations. Barney grows high quality beetroots.
Quest completed
The next two quests I will write separately, but you can take them and complete them at the same time.
Green as a Jealous Druid
Now I need some green color for your vest. Old Mrs Holdsworth in Moorland used to come here and she can make a green dye from bushes growing here in Moorland. She has a special way of making dye by boiling the leaves in water with olive oil in it.
Ask her how it’s done. But don’t forget to get some olive oil from Harold.
Objectives: Get help from Mrs Holdsworth to extract green color. She lives in the red house outside the Moorland Stable.
Rewards: 15 Jorvik Shillings, 35 XP
Reputation: 45 with Silverglade Village
Speak with Mrs Holdsworth in Moorland.
Hello Rita! It’s been a while. Green dye, you say? Of course, the bushes here in Moorland have large, fine leaves which I can boil to make green dye. But I use a secret ingredient – olive oil.
Quest completed
The Secret Ingredient
Mrs Holdsworth, who makes green dye, has a secret ingredient that helps her get a really rich green color. But everyone knows the secret ingredient is olive oil, so you should get some from Harold. He’s standing by the fountain in the middle of the village. Take the oil to Mrs Holdsworth.
Objectives: Get olive oil from Harold by the fountain in Silverglade Village.
Rewards: 15 Jorvik Shillings, 35 XP
Reputation: 45 with Silverglade Village
Go talk to Harold about procuring some secret ingredient for Mrs Holdsworth.
Of course I have the olive oil for Mrs Holdsworth!
Quest completed
Slippery Bottles
Here you are Rita! This is a bottle of our finest olive oil! Bring it to Mrs Holdsworth. But be careful not to drop it, the bottle is oily and slippery.
Objectives: Give the olive oil to Mrs Holdsworth in Moorland.
Rewards: 20 Jorvik Shillings, 35 XP
Reputation: 45 with Silverglade Village
Take the bottles to Mrs Holdsworth.
Oh, thank you Rita! This will be perfect to make the green dye.
Quest completed
The Riding Leaf Collector
The bushes usually have one leaf which is greener and finer than all the others. Find and pick that leaf. Pick a dozen of those leaves from the bushes around here! When you’ve brought them to me I can start making the green dye, just as nice as the color the Keepers of Aideen use for their clothes.
Objectives: Pick twelve green leaves from the bushes around Mrs Holdsworth’s house and give them to her.
Rewards: 35 Jorvik Shillings, 55 XP
Reputation: 45 with Silverglade Village
There are plenty of bushes around her house and down along the wall of the stables. When you have picked twelve of them, return to Mrs Holdsworth.
Thank you so much Rita! I’ll start making the dye now! It will be ready tomorrow, come back then.
Quest completed
Worth Waiting For!
While I prepare the dye you can go talk to the smith, Conrad. I heard that he’s made something for you which he’s been working on for a long time…
Objectives: Ride and talk to the smith, Conrad, he has a gift for you. Conrad’s smithy is to the north of Moorland Stable.
Rewards: 50 Jorvik Shillings, 65 XP, Aideen’s Runners
Reputation: 75 with Keepers of Aideen
Go visit Conrad at his smithy.
Rita! You’re exactly the person I wanted to see right now. I’ve finally finished the horse shoes I promised you! They look great! Take them and use them on your nice companion, Summerblaze.
Quest completed

Return to Mrs Holdsworth tomorrow.

Tan needs help with something now, you should go talk to her.
Lost Money
I’ve saved for a long time to be able to buy new riding clothes and now all my money is gone. I must have lost them! They have to be somewhere nearby. Can you help me look for them, please?
There are three places I might have lost them in. One is in the paddock next to me, near the hay. Or maybe I lost them during lunch. I sat at the bridge down by the water, south of Mrs Holdsworth’s house. On my way back I visited Mrs Holdsworth and may have lost them by the benches in her cherry tree garden.
Objectives: Look for Tan’s lost money at three spots. Search in the paddock, at the bridge south of Mrs Holdsworth’s house and by the benches in her garden. When you’re finished, return t her.
Rewards: 12 Jorvik Shillings, 40 XP
Reputation: 20 with Moorland Stable
Check all three places and return to Tan.
You didn’t find them? Typical, but thanks anyway. How could I be so careless? I have to remember other places I visited recently.
Quest completed
Maybe on the Way to the Smith?
I was at the smithy, you know… Conrad. I may have lost my money on the way back when I was riding a bit faster. Look along the road towards Conrad the smith, his smithy is to the north. I was riding along the race track, so start there, please. After that you can talk to Conrd to see if he’s seen any lost money.
Objectives: Search five places along the race track between where Tan is and to Conrad’s smithy. When you’ve done that, talk to Conrad.
Rewards: 12 Jorvik Shillings, 45 XP
Reputation: 20 with Moorland Stable
The places to check are along the road, next to the stable wall, and also along the trail, off the road, to the smithy. Speak with Conrad when you’ve checked all of the places.
Hello Rita! Oh, Tan lost her money? That’s sad. I haven’t seen or heard anything here. I think you’ll have to return and tell her that, sorry.
Quest completed

Return to Tan tomorrow.

Some small forest creatures need your help! Go down to the iron gate, past the Riding Hall, to see what is the matter.
Small Hedgehogs
… sniff… sniff…
Objectives: Do the hedgehogs want something?
Rewards: 20 Jorvik Shillings, 10 XP
Reputation: 15 with Silverglade Manor
Check on the hedgehog again, maybe he can relate what’s the matter.
Quest completed
Ride to the Vet in Silverglade Village to see if she knows how to help the hedgehogs.
Talk to the Veterinarian
Hello Rita! What did you say, you found some hedgehogs? They looked a bit sad and scared? Poor things, maybe they can’t find their way back to their nest? Can you go back and look for the nest?
Objectives: Ride and look if the hedgehogs have somewhere to live.
Rewards: 15 Jorvik Shillings, 15 XP
Reputation: 15 with Silverglade Manor
Ride back to the hedgehogs, and look along the ground off the side of the road, for leaf dens for the hedgehogs. Return to the vet when you have done so.
You didn’t see any hedgehog nests? I see, maybe that’s the reason why they are so sad! If you can find leaves you maybe can make a hedgehog nest for them?
Quest completed
Borrow a Rake
You can ride to Silverglade Equestrian Center and ask Judy if she has a rake to lend you. Hedgehogs usually live in piles of leaves during the autumn. Some people give hedgehogs milk but you shouldn’t do that because they can get stomach problems from milk!
Objectives: Ride to Silverglade Equestrian Center and ask if you can borrow a rake from Judy.
Rewards: 10 Jorvik Shillings, 20 XP
Reputation: 15 with Silverglade Manor
Judy will be sure to have a rake. Go speak with her at the Manor stable.
Hello! Of course I can lend you a rake. Are you going to rake leaves now? When it’s spring and all?
Quest completed
Rake Leaves and Make Piles
I will lend you my best rake. But why do you want to rake leaves now? You found hedgehogs! Oh, they are so cute! How nice of you to make nests for them. Good luck with the raking!
Objectives: Rake leaves and make piles by the riding arena.
Rewards: 15 Jorvik Shillings, 10 XP
Reputation: 15 with Silverglade Manor
Ride back to the hedgehogs and rake piles where you first checked for the nests. You have to be dismounted to use the rake. Check on the hedgehogs when you’re done.
Sniff! Sniff, sniff! Squeel!
Quest completed

Day 14, No Creepers Plz

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Advice From the Vet
I’m back now, sorry that you had to wait. I did some thinking while I was away and I think that the best approach is to befriend the chipmunks. Yes, befriend. They love cabbage. If you put down cabbage in the holes and I guarantee that they will love you. After that you can build a place where they are allowed to dig. You can mark the place with signs so people know it has holes. If you give the chipmunks some cabbage now and then they’ll stay. They also like to take baths because they get so dirty when they dig. Tell Steve this.
Objectives: Tell Steve what the vet said. He’s at Steve’s farm outside Silverglade Village.
Rewards: 12 Jorvik Shillings, 55 XP
Reputation: 30 with Silverglade Village
Hey, Steve is on Steve’s farm, imagine that. Huh.
Befriend the chipmunks? We’ve made peace with the mice so now why not the chipmunks? Hm, this place will be a zoo soon!
Quest completed

Return to Steve tomorrow.

Let’s go back to Olaf up in North Link.
Wrecking and Clearing
Yes. Check it out! Now we have an excavator. Awesome! Now we can take down all the trees and other stuff that is in the way of the station down here. Here are a couple of GPS locators. Put them in the ground beside everything that needs to be removed.
Objectives: Mark the trees that need to be removed for the gondola lift.
Rewards: 10 Jorvik Shillings,15 XP
Reputation: 10 with Silverglade Village
Go up the hill behind Olaf and mark the couple of trees and large boulders to be cleared.
Return to Olaf when you have done this.
Awesome Rita! I’ll send out the excavator right away.
Quest completed
We Need Concrete
Now the trees are gone. Now it is time to build the foundations. Finally! Concrete is what we need! Pick up the concrete bags over there. What? Oops. I seem to have forgotten the concrete… I was so concerned about the excavator that I forgot to order the concrete. Can you ride down to North Link and ask the guys if they have any extra concrete?
Objectives: Ride down to North Link and ask them if we can borrow some concrete.
Rewards: 10 Jorvik Shillings, 15 XP
Reputation: 10 with Silverglade Village
Go talk to Crew Lead by the tunnel and ask him for the concrete.
Concrete? Sure, we have lots of it we are not using.
Quest completed
Play Together
Sure, we can fix you up with some concrete. That is no problem. But you need to help me first. Zombie Horse Pole Bending Apocalypse is fantastic! But I’m sure it would be more fun with someone else to play with. Find someone who wants to play together with me and I’ll give you so much concrete it will be coming out of your ears!
Objectives: Find someone who likes the video games as much as the builder by North Link.
Rewards: 10 Jorvik Shillings, 15 XP
Reputation: 10 with Silverglade Village
Fix you up, har har.
Speak with fellow enthusiast, Ms Morse. She’s still up in the Firgrove Mountain Pass.
Play together? That would be amazing. But who is this man you are talking about anyways?
Quest completed
No Creepy Guys Please
It would be fantastic to play Zombie Horse Pole Bending Apocalypse with someone else. But what is he like really? I don’t really want to go play with some creepy guy. I need to look him up on the internet on my smartphone. It is nice we have such good reception up here in the mountains.
Objectives: The lady needs to check on the internet.
Rewards: 10 Jorvik Shillings, 5 XP
Reputation: 10 with Silverglade Village
Let the lady check her biz. Talk with her in a minute.
Bengt. He is a nice looking man. Now we’ll see… Favorite color: Black and pink. Interests: Video games, heavy metal, excavators, and flowers.
He sounds perfect… those are the same as mine!
Quest completed
It is a Date
I need to see that handsome guy with my own eyes! We’ll check by North Link. I’ll ride down there right away.
Objectives: Meet construction worker Bengt by North Link.
Rewards: 10 Jorvik Shillings, 45 XP
Reputation: 10 with Silverglade Village
Return to North Link and speak with Crew Lead about his new found game partner.
Hello there gorgeous! Are you the one who loves games as much as me? If you think you have a chance you could try and beat me at Pole Bending Apocalypse?
Of course… the cement Rita. I’ll deliver it right away… But first we’ll test out the game here just a bit.
Quest completed

Return to Olaf tomorrow.

Marley’s stopwatch should be in at the post office now.
The Post is Always on Time
Here it is, a brand new stopwatch. Marley will be super happy with this. Did I say my name is Derek and that I’m new here? What’s your name?
Objectives: Ride back to the paddock and give Marley his package with the stopwatch.
Rewards: 25 Jorvik Shillings, 50 XP
Reputation: 50 with Silverglade Village
Somebody has a little crush on yooooo….
Bring the new stopwatch to Marley.
Haha Rita! Faaaantastic! Thank you! I have to install this one and after that you must test my new track, it’s almost ready!
Quest completed
Test the Paddock
So, what do you think Rita? Quite an amazing little competition I’ve set up? Test it and tell me what you think!
Objectives: Test Marley’s new track.
Rewards: 25 Jorvik Shillings, 60 XP
Reputation: 50 with Silverglade Village
Ride the new track and tell Marley what you think.
There you go! A really good ride Rita! I think I’m almost ready to open this track officially.
Quest completed

Return to Marley tomorrow.

Conrad has finished the blue dye for you. Go see him in Moorland.
Blue Dye for the Tailor
Hello Rita! The powder is prepared and ready to use as dye. The tailor will be happy with this.
Objectives: Give the blue dye to the tailor in Silverglade Village.
Rewards: 65 Jorvik Shillings, 90 XP
Reputation: 45 with Silverglade Village
Take the blue dye to Donald.
Thank you Rita! Such a beautiful blue color. We’ll definitely use that.
Quest completed
Extra Large, Extra Fine Beetroots
Now I need red color for your vest! I’ve heard that the farmer Barney has grown some extra large, fine beetroots. Squeezed beetroot should be perfect as red dye. Ride to him and ask if he has some beetroots to spare.
Objectives: Ask Barney at the silo, east of Steve’s farm, about making red dye from beetroots.
Rewards: 20 Jorvik Shillings, 35 XP
Reputation: 45 with Silverglade Village
I’ve done this in real life, squeeze beetroots, and made the mistake of not checking my gloves for holes before hand. My one hand was stained red for a whole week after, lol.
Beetroots? Of course I have some. The reddest ones of all of Jorvik! I can help you but I want something in return.
Quest completed
Tractor Out of Gas
My tractor is out of gas and I had a breakdown out on the road. My diesel tank is also empty! I forgot to refill my own tank. When this happens I usually borrow some diesel from Steve – he owes me some so it’s ok for him. Take this can and ride to the tank next to Steve’s farm and fill it up. After that you can refuel my tractor, it’s standing out on the road. Return to me when you are done.
Objectives: Ride to the tank on Steve’s farm, fill the can with diesel and then refuel the tractor standing on the road beside Barney’s silo. Talk to Barney again after that.
Rewards: 20 Jorvik Shillings, 75 XP
Reputation: 45 with Silverglade Village
Steve’s diesel tank is next to the stable. Barney’s tractor is parked across the road from his silo.
Thank you so much Rita! Now I’ll harvest the finest, juiciest beetroots for your red color. Come back tomorrow and I’ll be done!
Quest completed

Return to Barney tomorrow.

Day 13, Continue Building

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A Very Busy Stargazer
I have time for you now. So, Steve thought that you could use the telescope to see who is digging the holes on his field. That’s completely nuts… but I do want to help you. I’ve very busy watching the sky as I’ve received some reports about mysterious light phenomena, but I haven’t seen any yet.
I have been so busy with that I haven’t had time to eat. Tell you what, if you can ride down to Elizabeth in Valedale and get some cupcakes for me I can let you borrow the telescope while I’m eating.
Objectives: Get cupcakes for Mario from Elizabeth in Valedale.
Rewards: 15 Jorvik Shillings, 30 XP
Reputation: 55 with Silverglade Village
Take the trail back down the mountain and speak with Elizabeth about getting cupcakes for Mario.
Hi Rita! Nice to see you again. I heard that Alex will be back soon, we’ll need some more help then. Keep working on your amazing competition results and do more work here in Silverglade. Oh? You’re here to get some cupcakes for Mario? Ha ha, he is so obsessed with the stars that he forgets to eat!
Quest completed
Cupcakes on the Way to the Stars
Please take these cupcakes to Mario at the observatory. See you again soon. When Alex is back we have a lot to do.
Objectives: Deliver the cupcakes to Mario at the observatory up n the mountains. The road of Hollow Woods will take you there.
Rewards: 26 Jorvik Shillings, 45 XP
Reputation: 45 with Keepers of Aideen
Mario is hungry and waiting. Nothing like cupcakes to hit the spot!
Amazing! You’re an angel! Yum yum!
Quest completed
Watch the Holes in the Ground on Steve’s Field
You can borrow the telescope while I’m eating. I have aimed it for you, so it’s ready to use. I hope you can find out who or what is digging up Steve’s field.
Objectives: Use the telescope in the observatory.
Rewards: 20 Jorvik Shillings, 55 XP
Reputation: 35 with Silverglade Village
Click on the door behind Mario to use the telescope.
Already done? What did you see? Oh, chipmunks! It won’t be easy getting rid of them. I’ve heard they’re persistent rascals. They dig like bulldozers and have destroyed a lot of archeological sites for me during the years.
Quest completed
The Marauders Revealed!
You have to go back to Steve and tell him that you have identified the diggers. I’ll keep looking for anything inexplicable in the sky. Say hello to Steve from me and good luck with chipmunks.
Objectives: Tell Steve the news, he’s at Steve’s farm outside Silverglade Village.
Rewards: 20 Jorvik Shillings, 55 XP
Reputation: 35 with Silverglade Village
Take the news to Steve.
Doom and gloom! Chipmunks! First mice and now chipmunks digging up my fields and posing a threat to both harvest, humans and horses!
Quest completed
Chipmunks? What Will We Do Now?
They’re very clever little creatures. And very shy, as you noticed. You had to use a telescope to see them… The vet in Silverglade Village may have some good advice. I don’t want to hurt them, they’re so cute, but I have to get rid of them. Ride to the vet and ask for advice.
Objectives: Talk to the vet in Silverglade Village and see if she has any advice on how to get rid of the chipmunks.
Rewards: 15 Jorvik Shillings, 35 XP
Reputation: 25 with Silverglade Village
The Vet is in Silverglade Village is across from the Councilman.
Hello Rita! I’d love to help you but I can’t right now. I have to go and help a horse with hay fever. But if you come back tomorrow I’ll be able to help you.
Quest completed

Return to the Vet tomorrow.

Head over to Derek to see what the news is on the gondola lift.
Gondola Lift is Delivered
Answer to the order? Didn’t you see the helicopter?
They flew in a huge helicopter loaded down with all the parts for the gondola lift yesterday.They must have flown all night back and forth to get it all done. They were flying in the direction of North Link so I imagine it has all been delivered directly there.
Ride over there and check it out.
Objectives: Ride and see if you can see where the helicopter landed. It was flying in the direction of North Link.
Rewards: 10 Jorvik Shillings, 10 XP
Reputation: 10 with Silverglade Village
Ride up to Olaf and see the gondola delivered.
Yes! It has gone really smoothly Rita. The gondola lift has been delivered. Fantastic!
Quest completed
We Are Missing an Excavator
The gondola lift was the most important thing, but of course we need a few more things too. This is the first time I’ve worked in Jorvik so I don’t know all the local builders here yet. I’ve spoken a bit with the guys digging the tunnel down there and we might be able to borrow the equipment we need from them.
The first thing we need is an excavator so we can level the ground where the new station will be built. Ride over and see if we can borrow their excavator.
Objectives: Speak with the builders at North Link and see if they will lend us an excavator.
Rewards: 10 Jorvik Shillings, 10 XP
Reputation: 10 with Silverglade Village
Speak with the Crew Lead, back by the tunnel.
An excavator?
Quest completed
Zombie Horses vs Excavators
Excavator… I only have one you know… but you can borrow my excavator if you help me with something. We have a lot of free time up here so I have a lot of time to spend on my favorite hobby, video games! Right now I don’t have any good games… but there is a game I really, really want to play right now… it might be the best horse game EVER! The problem is I can’t seem to find it here on the island.
Somebody has to have it! Zombie Horse Pole Bending Apocalypse is what it is called. Find me a copy of that game and you can borrow my excavator.
Like I said, I have no idea who might have a copy of it. Maybe someone who is interested in Pole Bending?
Objectives: Find someone who is interested in Pole Bending and see if they have a copy of Zombie Horse Pole Bending Apocalypse.
Rewards: 10 Jorvik Shillings, 20 XP
Reputation: 10 with Moorland Stable
There is one person in Moorland who likes Pole Bending, a lot. Josh. He’s at the track behind the Bobcat Girls paddock.
Zombie Horse Pole Bending Apocalypse? I have that… or at least I used to have a copy.
Quest completed
Lost Zombies Horses
It was a really great game, but much too scary for me. The pole bending tracks were so scare they gave me nightmares. But I couldn’t seem to stop playing the game. So I threw it away. The problem was I couldn’t find a single garbage can in all of Silverglade, not a single one. Eventually I sneaked up behind Jasper’s old house and hid it in the old stuff in his attic.
He has moved away so I thought it wouldn’t matter… I’m a little embarrassed about it now so you don’t need to give me a hard time about it The game is probably still there anyways…
Objectives: Ride to Jasper’s old house and look in the attic for the Zombie Horse Bending Apocalypse video game.
Rewards: 10 Jorvik Shillings, 15 XP
Reputation: 10 with Moorland Stable
At Jasper’s house, dismount your horse and click on the door, and you’ll go up into the attic. Search for the game there.
“You don’t find the game… But that hat looks familiar… Who did that hat belong to?”
Quest completed
Whose Hat is That?
“You remember that hat, who was wearing it?”
Objectives: Find the owner of the hat.
Rewards: 15 Jorvik Shillings, 10 XP
Reputation: 10 with Fort Pinta
The hat looks strangely like James’s hat…
Hello Rita! Hey, that’s my hat! I lost it a few days ago, where did you find it? At Jasper’s old house? It’s good that I sell those hats so I never have to be without one. But it was nice of you to ride all the way back here to return it.
Zombie Horse Pole Bending Apocalypse? I have that… or I used to have it.
Quest completed
Video Game All Day
I remember now. I thought I would start a used-goods market, which would work great here in Fort Pinta, and I needed things to sell. I thought maybe Jasper had left some stuff behind that might be good enough to sell. But the only thing I found was that game, Zombie Pole Bending Apocalypse.
That must be the best game ever! It was so much fun to play… I played all night, and all day then all night again. I forgot to take care of my customers, it was THAT good! You understand I couldn’t keep doing that so I had to sell it.
The person who bought it was an older lady from Firgrove. I think her name was Ms Morse. She said she had never played games before but wondered what it was like. So I sold her the game and my old game console. I’m sure she is in Firgrove if you want to speak with her.
Objectives: Speak with Ms Morse about Zombie Horse Pole Bending Apocalypse.
Rewards: 5 Jorvik Shillings, 20 XP
Reputation: 10 with Firgrove
Go to Firgrove and inquire about Ms Morse.
Ms Morse? She lives here, but we haven’t seen her since this morning.
Quest completed
On the Way to the Top
Ms Morse? Yes she lives here in Firgrove. But she isn’t here now. Yesterday I saw her ride out of here faster than the wind. Her horse was packed with pole-bending poles… I’ve never seen her so riled up about anything. She screamed “Yeehaw!!!” when she saw me and rode up through the mountain pass towards Valedale lake.
Objectives: Ride through the mountain pass to Valedale lake and look for Ms Morse.
Rewards: 5 Jorvik Shillings, 15 XP
Reputation: 10 with Firgrove
You can get to the mountain pass from the road going into Firgrove. It starts right after the second street lamp after leaving Firgrove. You’ll find Ms Morse along the trail.
Howdy! Yes… I am Ms Morse.
Quest completed
Pole Bending Apocalypse
Woohoo! What a game! Zombie Horse Pole Bending Apocalypse!!! I’ve been up playing all night and when the sun came up I knew I had to make a proper Pole Bending Apocalypse race… just like in the game!
But now I’m non sure it is a good idea… Now that the course is done, and I’ve calmed down a little, the course actually looks… Well it looks really dangerous actually. I don’t think I would be able to ride it myself.
You want to have the game? Oh… I don’t know… it was so much fun. Tell you what, if you can manage to ride my pole bending course I’ll give you the game as a reward.
Objectives: Ride the Pole Bending Apocalypse race.
Rewards: 10 Jorvik Shillings, 15 XP
Reputation: 10 with Firgrove
Ride the track. Be careful not to run into any of the glowing red obstacles or you will have to start the race over. Talk to Ms Morse when you’ve completed it.
Well done! But… can’t I keep the game? It was so much fun.
Quest completed
Back to North Link
No… you are right. Sigh. A promise is a promise. Here is Jorvik’s only copy of Zombie Horse Pole Bending Apocalypse. Ride back to the person who gets to keep it. Sigh…
Objectives: Ride back to the person who wanted the game in the beginning.
Rewards: 10 Jorvik Shillings, 45 XP
Reputation: 10 with Silverglade Village
Well if you’re going to mope about it…
Ride back to North Link and give the game to the Crew Lead.
Awesome! I’m going to play this until my eyes bleed! Aha… the excavator… I’ll come with it soon. I’m just going to test out the game a little bit first…
Quest completed

Return to Olaf tomorrow.

Let’s go check with Marley to see if Carney has approved his paddock.
Missing Bars
Sigh… Oh, hi Rita. Thanks for inviting my brother, he came over after a while. I could need some help if you have time. The bars I used were not approved so I ordered new ones from James, he had some extra in stock. But they haven’t arrived yet.
Can you ride to Fort Pinta and check with James what’s happened? You know James, the short guy at the stable in Fort Pinta.
Objectives: Ride to Fort Pinta and find out what happened to the bars. Talk to James who runs the rental stable in Fort Pinta.
Rewards: 25 Jorvik Shillings, 40 XP
Reputation: 50 with Silverglade Village
James will know what happened to the bars. Go speak to him.
Right, the bars. Unfortunately there was an accident with the truck that was delivering them, it almost fell off the Fort Pinta bridge.
Quest completed
Bars on the Bridge
The truck made it and no one got hurt, thankfully. But your bars fell out of the truck and down off the bridge. I think they’re down there somewhere. I haven’t had time to get them – there’s a lot of tourists here. But if you want them you can get them yourself.
Objectives: Find the bars under the bridge leading to Fort Pinta.
Rewards: 25 Jorvik Shillings, 50 XP
Reputation: 50 with Silverglade Village
There are five bars, four on the ground directly under the bride, one is up on the little rise next to the trail under the bridge.
Return to James when you have found them all.
Good work! What luck that some of them are undamaged, at least.
Quest completed
Bar Delivery
Now we’re ready Rita. Ride back to Marley with the bars, he’ll be so happy when he finally has them. Here’s the receipt, so… it’s done!
Objectives: Ride back to Marley outside Silverglade Village and give him the bars and the receipt.
Rewards: 25 Jorvik Shillings, 40 XP
Reputation: 50 with Silverglade Village
Marley will be pleased with the bars.
Super great Rita! These bars are really nice! Strange, there are some scratches here and there. James said they were brand new. But it doesn’t matter.
Quest completed
Correct Time on Order
My brother did a very good inspection! The stopwatch I had wasn’t good enough so I ordered a new one. Can you ride to the post office in Silverglade Village and pick up the the new stopwatch for me? The post office is in the middle of the village, opposite the fountain. I would be really grateful if you could help me.
Objectives: Ride to the post office in Silverglade Village and get Marley’s new stopwatch.
Rewards: 25 Jorvik Shillings, 40 XP
Reputation: 50 with Silverglade Village
Speak with Derek in the post office about the stopwatch.
Hi, my name is Derek and I’m new here on Jorvik island. Did you know that I once worked as a photographer and… Oh, you don’t want to talk to me, you only want a package? A stopwatch… hm… let’s see.
Quest completed

Return to Derek tomorrow.

Last business of order is the pink dye that Elizabeth is making for you. Ride to Valedale and speak with her about it.
Get Pink Dye
Hello Rita! The dye is ready. Bring it to the tailor, I hope he’ll be pleased.
Objectives: Get the dye from Elizabeth and give it to the tailor in Silverglade Village.
Rewards: 65 Jorvik Shillings, 90 XP
Reputation: 45 with Silverglade Village
Take the dye back to Donald in Silverglade.
Thank you so much Rita! I can see that this dye is of the highest quality. This will make a nice color for your vest.
Quest completed
Blue Stones for Blue Dye
Now I need some blue dye for the wool. I know there’s a special blue stone in Jorvik which I think would be perfect as pigment for the blue color I had in mind. The smith, Conrad, knows a lot about stones and minerals, talk to him!
Objectives: Talk to Conrad the smith. Conrad’s workshop is north of the Moorland stable.
Rewards: 20 Jorvik Shillings, 35 XP
Reputation: 45 with Silverglade Village
It’s been a while since we’ve seen Conrad. About time we pay him a visit!
Hi Rita! If I’ve heard about a blue stone? I have. It’s called Lapis Lazuli and it’s very rare here in Jorvik.
Quest completed
Stonehunt in the Highlands
The Jorvik Lapis Lazuli. A rare and beautiful blue stone. To be able to find it you need to search long and hard, but I’ve found a place nearby where I found a few specimens.
Ride up to the western part of Nilmer’s Highlands. You know, the area to the west of the abandoned farm where I think you used to compete with the Bobcat girls. Ride to the rocky knolls to the far west of that area. If you’re lucky you can find some Lapis Lazuli there. Return to me when you’ve found three stones.
You can borrow my stone pick so you can break off the pieces.
Objectives: Look for the very blue stone Lapis Lazuli in the rocky parts to the west of Niler’s Highlands. Use the stone pick and get three stones.
Rewards: 20 Jorvik Shillings, 35 XP
Reputation: 45 with Silverglade Village
The stones can be found along the trail of the Bobcat Girls race, that goes off the main road and behind the farm. The stones are up in the bushes and along the hill, just off the trail.
Return to Conrad when you have found three of them.
Oh, you found  really nice specimen of Lapis Lazuili! Now we have to make this into dye. I’ll help you. I’ll grind it into a powder which you can use. Come back tomorrow, the process will be done by then.
Quest completed

Return to Conrad tomorrow.

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