2014. január 4., szombat

an illusion for the short sighted

A Secret Gift
I’ve figured out what I want to give him! The baker in Silverglade Village makes the best chocolate hearts I know! I’d like to give him a whole box, but I don’t want him to know they’re from me. Could you ride to the baker, order and box and give it to the cute guy? He usually sits on a barrel by the fountain. I’d be soooo grateful!
Objectives: Talk to the baker in Silverglade Village.
Rewards: 40 Jorvik Shillings, 10 XP
Reputation: 40 with Silverglade Village
Ride back into the village and speak with Harold about ordering a box of chocolate hearts.
You again? Do you want more candy? You sure know how to woo people.
Quest completed

Return to Harold tomorrow.

Now let’s go see if the cement has been successfully unloaded at the Winery.
A Truck is Coming Loaded with Cement
Heya! Like I said, you can always trust Lightening!
All the cement is in the cellar.
Objectives: Speak with the trainee in the basement again.
Rewards: 25 Jorvik Shillings, 10 XP
Reputation: 5 with Silverglade Manor
Go to the cellar and speak with the trainee.
Hi there. Now we have a lot of cement. Hmmm… I’m not sure what to do but I will do my best.
There is another thing that maybe you can help me with?
Quest completed
No GPS for the G.E.D. Trainee
You understand I don’t have a GPS to help me navigate this thing. The G.E.D. guys didn’t think I would need one. “No room in the budget” the boss said… But without one I don’t really feel save starting to drill again. But I have an idea. I know that at the oilfield near here there is a shed where they store both maps and GPS consoles. Can you ride over there and see if we might be able to get one?
Objectives: Ride to the oil field and get a map and a GPS from the shed there.
Rewards: 10 Jorvik Shillings, 10 XP
Reputation: 10 with Silverglade Manor
The guard is standing just inside the oil field area, near where Mr Kembell is.
Are you my relief? Wait a minute… I don’t see very well.
Let’s get a look at you. Hmm… hm… no! You are not employed by G.E.D. Listen here! Take a few steps back please, this storage is for employees only.
Quest completed
Eyes Like a Hawk
No no no! Take a few steps back. You won’t be getting past me.
This storage is very very important. How long will I be standing here? I’m waiting for my relief now, he is a bit late but I won’t be leaving my post for that. I’ll wait for him if it takes a week. And don’t try anything funny. I have eyes like a hawk! Maybe a near-sighted hawk, but a hawk nonetheless!
“I need to find a way to get past that guard. Maybe the trainee has an idea?”
Objectives: Ride over and speak with the trainee again.
Rewards: 10 Jorvik Shillings, 5 XP
Reputation: 5 with Silverglade Manor
Ride back to the cellar and ask the trainee if he has any ideas what to do.
Oh… I don’t know… Short sighted you say?
Quest completed
Building a Guard
What? Are you kidding me? You want me to take off my clothes? You want to build a big doll? I don’t know… But ok. I’m not sure I like this though…
If you go look for something to build the doll with I will take off my clothes.
And you’ll need to promise me you won’t peek! Promise!
Objectives: Look for things in the cellar you can build a doll with and speak with the trainee again.
Rewards: 20 Jorvik Shillings, 10 XP
Reputation: 10 with Silverglade Manor
Go into the room down the hall, as well as the boiler room across the hall, to find the items to build the doll. When you have found all three of them, return to the trainee.
Here I am. Here in the barrel!
Here are my clothes too. Promise me that I will get them back. Brrrr… It is really cold down here. Brrr…
Quest completed
An Illusion for the Short-Sighted
Let’s see. Hmmm… Do you really think this will work? You would have to be almost blind to be fooled by this. But this might be our only chance.
No. I don’t think I want to come out again until I have my clothes again. Take the doll and put it out in the field so the short-sighted guard thinks his relief has arrived. Hurry up! It is cold down here. Brrr…
Objectives: Ride over to the oil field and try to fool the guard with the doll. Place it on the field so he thinks it is a person.
Rewards: 15 Jorvik Shillings, 20 XP
Reputation: 10 with Silverglade Manor
Place the doll on the ground in front of him. Silly man should be fooled by this…
Stop and identify yourself! Stop! Who are you? Hmmm… I don’t know you…
Quest completed
Guard Relief
Hrmmm… Are you here to relieve me? You are dressed like a G.E.D. employee and are tall and proud, so you must be my replacement. I like you! You can relax a little now… You don’t need to stand at attention the whole time… Though I like that you are showing me so much respect.
You don’t say much do you? Great! There is always too much talk around here. Focus on the job, that’s my advice. A word of warning though. Watch out for this girl who is trying to get into the storge shed. She is pretty tricky, but she won’t fool me!
Objectives: Take the map and GPS from the storage shed. Ride back to the winery when you have them and speak with the trainee.
Rewards: 10 Jorvik Shillings, 5 XP
Reputation: 15 with Silverglade Manor
Both items are inside the shed, when you have picked them up, take them to the cellar by the trainee.
Brr… It is really cold in here… Hey! You are back!
Quest completed
Out of the Barrel Again
Can I get my clothes back now please? Brrr… So cold. Lie them down beside my barrel and leave the room so I can change please. And no peeking!
Objectives: Go out of the room so the trainee can change his clothes in private. Go back and speak with him again after.
Rewards: 25 Jorvik Shillings, 5 XP
Reputation: 5 with Silverglade Manor
Go out into the hallway, and the trainee will change. Though I don’t know where he got the clothes from since we left the doll and clothes up in the oil field…
Once he’s changed, go back and speak with him again.
There we go! Nice to have some clothes on again. Now you can look. Now I’m going to use this cement so that all traces of my mistake are gone.
Quest completed

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