2014. január 4., szombat

an illusion for the short sighted

A Secret Gift
I’ve figured out what I want to give him! The baker in Silverglade Village makes the best chocolate hearts I know! I’d like to give him a whole box, but I don’t want him to know they’re from me. Could you ride to the baker, order and box and give it to the cute guy? He usually sits on a barrel by the fountain. I’d be soooo grateful!
Objectives: Talk to the baker in Silverglade Village.
Rewards: 40 Jorvik Shillings, 10 XP
Reputation: 40 with Silverglade Village
Ride back into the village and speak with Harold about ordering a box of chocolate hearts.
You again? Do you want more candy? You sure know how to woo people.
Quest completed

Return to Harold tomorrow.

Now let’s go see if the cement has been successfully unloaded at the Winery.
A Truck is Coming Loaded with Cement
Heya! Like I said, you can always trust Lightening!
All the cement is in the cellar.
Objectives: Speak with the trainee in the basement again.
Rewards: 25 Jorvik Shillings, 10 XP
Reputation: 5 with Silverglade Manor
Go to the cellar and speak with the trainee.
Hi there. Now we have a lot of cement. Hmmm… I’m not sure what to do but I will do my best.
There is another thing that maybe you can help me with?
Quest completed
No GPS for the G.E.D. Trainee
You understand I don’t have a GPS to help me navigate this thing. The G.E.D. guys didn’t think I would need one. “No room in the budget” the boss said… But without one I don’t really feel save starting to drill again. But I have an idea. I know that at the oilfield near here there is a shed where they store both maps and GPS consoles. Can you ride over there and see if we might be able to get one?
Objectives: Ride to the oil field and get a map and a GPS from the shed there.
Rewards: 10 Jorvik Shillings, 10 XP
Reputation: 10 with Silverglade Manor
The guard is standing just inside the oil field area, near where Mr Kembell is.
Are you my relief? Wait a minute… I don’t see very well.
Let’s get a look at you. Hmm… hm… no! You are not employed by G.E.D. Listen here! Take a few steps back please, this storage is for employees only.
Quest completed
Eyes Like a Hawk
No no no! Take a few steps back. You won’t be getting past me.
This storage is very very important. How long will I be standing here? I’m waiting for my relief now, he is a bit late but I won’t be leaving my post for that. I’ll wait for him if it takes a week. And don’t try anything funny. I have eyes like a hawk! Maybe a near-sighted hawk, but a hawk nonetheless!
“I need to find a way to get past that guard. Maybe the trainee has an idea?”
Objectives: Ride over and speak with the trainee again.
Rewards: 10 Jorvik Shillings, 5 XP
Reputation: 5 with Silverglade Manor
Ride back to the cellar and ask the trainee if he has any ideas what to do.
Oh… I don’t know… Short sighted you say?
Quest completed
Building a Guard
What? Are you kidding me? You want me to take off my clothes? You want to build a big doll? I don’t know… But ok. I’m not sure I like this though…
If you go look for something to build the doll with I will take off my clothes.
And you’ll need to promise me you won’t peek! Promise!
Objectives: Look for things in the cellar you can build a doll with and speak with the trainee again.
Rewards: 20 Jorvik Shillings, 10 XP
Reputation: 10 with Silverglade Manor
Go into the room down the hall, as well as the boiler room across the hall, to find the items to build the doll. When you have found all three of them, return to the trainee.
Here I am. Here in the barrel!
Here are my clothes too. Promise me that I will get them back. Brrrr… It is really cold down here. Brrr…
Quest completed
An Illusion for the Short-Sighted
Let’s see. Hmmm… Do you really think this will work? You would have to be almost blind to be fooled by this. But this might be our only chance.
No. I don’t think I want to come out again until I have my clothes again. Take the doll and put it out in the field so the short-sighted guard thinks his relief has arrived. Hurry up! It is cold down here. Brrr…
Objectives: Ride over to the oil field and try to fool the guard with the doll. Place it on the field so he thinks it is a person.
Rewards: 15 Jorvik Shillings, 20 XP
Reputation: 10 with Silverglade Manor
Place the doll on the ground in front of him. Silly man should be fooled by this…
Stop and identify yourself! Stop! Who are you? Hmmm… I don’t know you…
Quest completed
Guard Relief
Hrmmm… Are you here to relieve me? You are dressed like a G.E.D. employee and are tall and proud, so you must be my replacement. I like you! You can relax a little now… You don’t need to stand at attention the whole time… Though I like that you are showing me so much respect.
You don’t say much do you? Great! There is always too much talk around here. Focus on the job, that’s my advice. A word of warning though. Watch out for this girl who is trying to get into the storge shed. She is pretty tricky, but she won’t fool me!
Objectives: Take the map and GPS from the storage shed. Ride back to the winery when you have them and speak with the trainee.
Rewards: 10 Jorvik Shillings, 5 XP
Reputation: 15 with Silverglade Manor
Both items are inside the shed, when you have picked them up, take them to the cellar by the trainee.
Brr… It is really cold in here… Hey! You are back!
Quest completed
Out of the Barrel Again
Can I get my clothes back now please? Brrr… So cold. Lie them down beside my barrel and leave the room so I can change please. And no peeking!
Objectives: Go out of the room so the trainee can change his clothes in private. Go back and speak with him again after.
Rewards: 25 Jorvik Shillings, 5 XP
Reputation: 5 with Silverglade Manor
Go out into the hallway, and the trainee will change. Though I don’t know where he got the clothes from since we left the doll and clothes up in the oil field…
Once he’s changed, go back and speak with him again.
There we go! Nice to have some clothes on again. Now you can look. Now I’m going to use this cement so that all traces of my mistake are gone.
Quest completed

truck driver

A Secret Gift
I’ve figured out what I want to give him! The baker in Silverglade Village makes the best chocolate hearts I know! I’d like to give him a whole box, but I don’t want him to know they’re from me. Could you ride to the baker, order and box and give it to the cute guy? He usually sits on a barrel by the fountain. I’d be soooo grateful!
Objectives: Talk to the baker in Silverglade Village.
Rewards: 40 Jorvik Shillings, 10 XP
Reputation: 40 with Silverglade Village
Ride back into the village and speak with Harold about ordering a box of chocolate hearts.
You again? Do you want more candy? You sure know how to woo people.
Quest completed

Return to Harold tomorrow.

Now let’s go see if the cement has been successfully unloaded at the Winery.
A Truck is Coming Loaded with Cement
Heya! Like I said, you can always trust Lightening!
All the cement is in the cellar.
Objectives: Speak with the trainee in the basement again.
Rewards: 25 Jorvik Shillings, 10 XP
Reputation: 5 with Silverglade Manor
Go to the cellar and speak with the trainee.
Hi there. Now we have a lot of cement. Hmmm… I’m not sure what to do but I will do my best.
There is another thing that maybe you can help me with?
Quest completed
No GPS for the G.E.D. Trainee
You understand I don’t have a GPS to help me navigate this thing. The G.E.D. guys didn’t think I would need one. “No room in the budget” the boss said… But without one I don’t really feel save starting to drill again. But I have an idea. I know that at the oilfield near here there is a shed where they store both maps and GPS consoles. Can you ride over there and see if we might be able to get one?
Objectives: Ride to the oil field and get a map and a GPS from the shed there.
Rewards: 10 Jorvik Shillings, 10 XP
Reputation: 10 with Silverglade Manor
The guard is standing just inside the oil field area, near where Mr Kembell is.
Are you my relief? Wait a minute… I don’t see very well.
Let’s get a look at you. Hmm… hm… no! You are not employed by G.E.D. Listen here! Take a few steps back please, this storage is for employees only.
Quest completed
Eyes Like a Hawk
No no no! Take a few steps back. You won’t be getting past me.
This storage is very very important. How long will I be standing here? I’m waiting for my relief now, he is a bit late but I won’t be leaving my post for that. I’ll wait for him if it takes a week. And don’t try anything funny. I have eyes like a hawk! Maybe a near-sighted hawk, but a hawk nonetheless!
“I need to find a way to get past that guard. Maybe the trainee has an idea?”
Objectives: Ride over and speak with the trainee again.
Rewards: 10 Jorvik Shillings, 5 XP
Reputation: 5 with Silverglade Manor
Ride back to the cellar and ask the trainee if he has any ideas what to do.
Oh… I don’t know… Short sighted you say?
Quest completed
Building a Guard
What? Are you kidding me? You want me to take off my clothes? You want to build a big doll? I don’t know… But ok. I’m not sure I like this though…
If you go look for something to build the doll with I will take off my clothes.
And you’ll need to promise me you won’t peek! Promise!
Objectives: Look for things in the cellar you can build a doll with and speak with the trainee again.
Rewards: 20 Jorvik Shillings, 10 XP
Reputation: 10 with Silverglade Manor
Go into the room down the hall, as well as the boiler room across the hall, to find the items to build the doll. When you have found all three of them, return to the trainee.
Here I am. Here in the barrel!
Here are my clothes too. Promise me that I will get them back. Brrrr… It is really cold down here. Brrr…
Quest completed
An Illusion for the Short-Sighted
Let’s see. Hmmm… Do you really think this will work? You would have to be almost blind to be fooled by this. But this might be our only chance.
No. I don’t think I want to come out again until I have my clothes again. Take the doll and put it out in the field so the short-sighted guard thinks his relief has arrived. Hurry up! It is cold down here. Brrr…
Objectives: Ride over to the oil field and try to fool the guard with the doll. Place it on the field so he thinks it is a person.
Rewards: 15 Jorvik Shillings, 20 XP
Reputation: 10 with Silverglade Manor
Place the doll on the ground in front of him. Silly man should be fooled by this…
Stop and identify yourself! Stop! Who are you? Hmmm… I don’t know you…
Quest completed
Guard Relief
Hrmmm… Are you here to relieve me? You are dressed like a G.E.D. employee and are tall and proud, so you must be my replacement. I like you! You can relax a little now… You don’t need to stand at attention the whole time… Though I like that you are showing me so much respect.
You don’t say much do you? Great! There is always too much talk around here. Focus on the job, that’s my advice. A word of warning though. Watch out for this girl who is trying to get into the storge shed. She is pretty tricky, but she won’t fool me!
Objectives: Take the map and GPS from the storage shed. Ride back to the winery when you have them and speak with the trainee.
Rewards: 10 Jorvik Shillings, 5 XP
Reputation: 15 with Silverglade Manor
Both items are inside the shed, when you have picked them up, take them to the cellar by the trainee.
Brr… It is really cold in here… Hey! You are back!
Quest completed
Out of the Barrel Again
Can I get my clothes back now please? Brrr… So cold. Lie them down beside my barrel and leave the room so I can change please. And no peeking!
Objectives: Go out of the room so the trainee can change his clothes in private. Go back and speak with him again after.
Rewards: 25 Jorvik Shillings, 5 XP
Reputation: 5 with Silverglade Manor
Go out into the hallway, and the trainee will change. Though I don’t know where he got the clothes from since we left the doll and clothes up in the oil field…
Once he’s changed, go back and speak with him again.
There we go! Nice to have some clothes on again. Now you can look. Now I’m going to use this cement so that all traces of my mistake are gone.
Quest completed

Return to the Trainee tomorrow.

Day 29, Their Love Begins

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Lance in Silverglade Village needs your help with something extremely urgent.
Psst! You! Yes, you! Objectives: Listen to Lance. Rewards: 20 Jorvik Shillings, 40 XP Reputation: 20 with Silverglade Village
Lance will tell you about his urgent problem.
I have to ask you something, and maybe can you help me because you are a girl. It’s a bit embarrassing. I can trust you won’t tell anyone about this, right? Quest completed
Who is She?
Ok, it’s like this. Recently I’ve started noticing this girl who walks by here. I’ve seen her many times and the last time I got up the courage to say hello! I don’t know her name. Can you please help me find out who she is? Objectives: Do you want to help Lance? Rewards: 30 Jorvik Shillings, 15 XP Reputation: 40 with Silverglade Village
Doctor Lurve is in the house! Boy are so hopeless…
Super! Your name is Rita, right? Quest completed
The Mysterious Girl
Every time I’ve seen her she has been wearing a riding helmet, so I guess she likes horses. She wears riding pants and a t-shirt, so I guess she works in a stable? Would you like to do some spying for me? Objectives: Do you want to help Lance? Rewards: 15 Jorvik Shillings, 10 XP Reputation: 10 with Silverglade Village
Of course I’ll help!
Great! She was here yesterday so it wouldn’t be too hard to find out who she is. Quest completed
To Inquire
Ok, she was here yesterday afternoon, so maybe you can ask the stable girls at the Silverglade Equestrian Center if some of them were here around that time? Objectives: Ask the stable girls at the Silverglade Equestrian Center if they were in Silverglade Village yesterday. Rewards: 20 Jorvik Shillings, 35 XP Reputation: 20 with Silverglade Village
Ride and speak with Tyra at the Silverglade Equestrian Center.
Hey! No, I haven’t been there for a while.
Quest completed
Continue Asking
I haven’t been in Silverglade Village for days, but I heard Judy talking about buying some new gear for the horses in the stable. Maybe she’s the one you’re looking for? Objectives: Ask Judy if she has been in Silverglade Village. Rewards: 30 Jorvik Shillings, 15 XP Reputation: 40 with Silverglade Village
Perhaps it was Judy? Hello Rita!
Hello Rita! I was thinking I should go to Silverglade Village but I changed my mind and went to Firgrove instead.
Quest completed
The Last Stable Girl in Place
I realized that I haven’t seen Felicity for a long time, so when I went shopping I did that in Firgrove. But have you talked to Pauline? She said something about a neat sweater in Silverglade Village.
Objectives: Talk to Pauline.
Rewards: 15 Jorvik Shillings, 20 XP
Reputation: 10 with Silverglade Village
Ride to Pauline down by the grape fields, and ask her if she’s been to Silverglade Village recently.
Hello! Can I help you?
Quest completed
She Who Knows
No, I didn’t buy a sweater. I decided to save my money instead, but I think my sister Mary visited the tailor yesterday afternoon. She had to give him some wool. Why don’t you ride out to Mary and ask her yourself.
Objectives: Ride and talk to Mary.
Rewards: 35 Jorvik Shillings, 35 XP
Reputation: 20 with Silverglade Village
Go see Mary at Doyle’s Abbey, just north of Fort Pinta.
Hi, it’s nice to have some company. It’s usually so lonely here.
Quest completed
Yes, that’s right. I was in Silverglade Village yesterday afternoon and handed over some wool to the tailor. Why do you ask?
Objectives: Come up with a white lie so you don’t betray Lance.
Rewards: 25 Jorvik Shillings, 20 XP
Reputation: 50 with Silverglade Village
Oh, no reason… Teehee…
Oh, you’re doing a survey about the visitors in Silverglade Village. Glad I could help!
Quest completed
One More Secret
While you’re here, Rita, can you help me with something? It’s a secret so you have to promise to not tell anyone. It’s super important that you’re quiet as a mouse and don’t reveal this!
Objectives: Listen to what Mary has to say.
Rewards: 10 Jorvik Shillings, 15 XP
Reputation: 20 with Silverglade Village
Ooh! More secrets!
When I was in the village I saw a cute boy who said hello to me. I knew it was love at first sight, at least for me. I don’t dare tell hi but I thought that maybe you could give him something from me, secretly?
Quest completed
Ride back to Silverglade Village and tell Lance what you’ve found out.
Report to Lance
How did it go? Did you find the girl? She’s so cute! Her name’s Mary? I have to admit, Rita… I’m a little bit in love with her. I’d like to give her something, but in secret. Jelly hearts! That’s never wrong! Can you help me get hearts at the baker’s and give to Mary? But don’t tell her they’re from me.
Objectives: Get jelly hearts from the baker.
Rewards: 20 Jorvik Shillings, 15 XP
Reputation: 20 with Silverglade Village
Speak with Harold about getting those jelly hearts.
Do you want jelly hearts? I also want that but it could be difficult.
Quest completed
Delivery Problems
The whole delivery of jelly hearts for my shop went bust! The package ripped on the way here, so now you can find jelly hearts all over Everwind Fields. If you need any jelly hearts you have to ride and pick up as many as you want.
Objectives: Pick up ten jelly hearts and give them to Mary.
Rewards: 15 Jorvik Shillings, 50 XP
Reputation: 40 with Silverglade Village
Delivery problems. It’s always delivery problems…
Ride north out of Silverglade Village to the Everwind Fields and pick up the jelly hearts.
When you have picked up ten of them, take them to Mary at Doyle’s Abbey.
What, a gift for me? From whom? A secret admirer. Oh, so exciting!
Quest completed

Return to Mary tomorrow.

Tyra needs your help up at the Winery.
A Ghost in the Wine Cellar
Hello Rita. Can you help me with something? Please?
You see, the Baroness wants me to get a bottle of her finest wine from the wine cellar. She is going to serve her finest wine next weekend at her dinner with the Councilman. So I went down in the wine cellar and started to look for the bottle.
Suddenly I heard a horrible noise and the whole ground started to shake! I was so frightened that I just dropped everything and ran out of there. I don’t want to go in there again but the Baroness is going to be angry if I don’t do what I’m told. Can you get the bottle for me?
The wine cellar is at the other end of the winery. There is a door to it in the factory building behind the stores.
Objectives: Go down in the vineyard wine cellar and get the bottle of wine for the Baroness. The wine cellar is at the other end of the winery and there is a door behind the shops.
Rewards: 10 Jorvik Shillings, 10 XP
Reputation: 5 with Silverglade Village
Ride north from Tyra, past the manor. The door to the cellar is on the east side of the winery building.
Once in the cellar, go down the stairs and turn left into the first door, then go right into the next room, to get the wine.
Watch out for ghosts on the way down!
Eh… This doesn’t look like northern Jorvik…
Quest completed
This Isn’t North Link
Hello there! Where am I anyways? In a wine cellar? Eh? I must have taken a wrong turn somewhere…
Wait! Don’t go! Let me tell you all about it. This is how it is. Today is my first day as a trainee at G.E.D. by North Link and the first thing they did was show me their new drilling machine. Here is your new job they said, just drive it straight. Then they said good luck and walked off to drink more coffee.
So I figured I’d better do what they tell me to… But it seems like I drove the machine a little crooked. If the boss finds out I’ll get fired right away. I’m so unlucky.
What should I do now? I have no idea. This is so embarrassing. Can you help me get out of this fix I’m in?
Objectives: Speak with the trainee again.
Rewards: 10 Jorvik Shillings, 5 XP
Reputation: 5 with Silverglade Manor
I know exactly how you feel, dude. Getting poor training and you muff everything up on your first day.
What do I think I should do? I have no idea…
Quest completed
Which Bottle is the Right One for the Baroness?
You can’t come up with anything? Please, try and think of something. Please!
A bottle of wine? Yes, there is a bottle on the shelf here beside me of the finest Chateau Silverglade 1955, it has a complex taste with an excellent bouquet and a strong finish. An excellent choice for a formal meal. How do I know? Both my mother and father were sommeliers so I’ve been learning about wine since I could crawl.
You are going to take the wine to the Baroness so that she won’t come down and look around here? Ok, but don’t leave me in the lurch. Co back as soon as you can.
Objectives: Take the bottle from the shelf by the trainee and deliver it to the Baroness.
Rewards: 50 Jorvik Shillings, 10 XP
Reputation: 15 with Silverglade Manor
Pick up the bottle behind the trainee and take it back outside to the Baroness.
And in case you were wondering, a sommelier is a wine steward; someone who is knowledgeable about many different wines and their tastes. They often work at high-end restaurants, and probably have more class than your average bartender.
Also, let’s hope he learned that info about wine from his parents, because he looks too young to drink.
How about that, that is the bottle I was looking for last week. Ah, from 1955. I didn’t know you were a wine expert Rita. But normally the staff is very dependable. But this took strangely long time.
Quest completed
Organization of Years
You are an orderly girl Rita, how could it take so long?
Of course it is probably my own fault. It has been years since I have been down in the wine cellar… It must be very disorganize down there by now. I think it would be for the best if I went down there and looked into it myself. Rita, let’s go down and take a look right now.
What’s that? There is a wasp nest on the cellar stairs? Would you do me a favor and get rid of it? I’m allergic to bees you know.
Objectives: Go down into the wine cellar again and speak with the trainee.
Rewards: 10 Jorvik Shillings, 10 XP
Reputation: 5 with Silverglade Manor
Go down to ‘get rid of the bees’ and warn the trainee that the Baroness is coming.
Oh no! The Baroness is on her way here? She’s not going to be happy when she sees what I’ve done. What are we going to do?
Quest completed
To Hide a Cellar
What should we do? I have no idea… Hide the hole in the wall? We can’t do that…
What? Block the door with barrels? I’m not sure I understand but I’ll trust you. Don’t shut me in here. I promise I won’t make a sound. I’ll be quiet as a mouse!
Objectives: Pick up the barrels in the cellar and block the door with them. Then speak with the Baroness again.
Rewards: 20 Jorvik Shillings, 20 XP
Reputation: 15 with Silverglade Manor
Pick up the barrels, then go outside the room to place them. Once they are all up, go out of the cellar and speak with the Baroness.
Hello young lady. Is the wasp nest gone now? Excellent. Meet me in the wine cellar as soon as you can.
Quest completed
The Baroness is now down in the cellar in front of the room you just blocked off. Go down in the cellar to speak with her again.
Renovation of the Wine Cellar
It is overflowing with wine in the cellar! How could we fill up the cellar all the way up to the door? It has been a good couple of years now but I didn’t know it had been this good. We need to expand the cellar!
Can you take care of this development Rita? Great! Can you see to it that the cellar gets renovated? I promise you will be well compensated for your efforts. Were agreed then! Let me know when you are done. It will be so exciting to see the new cellar. Work quickly dear.
See you soon!
Objectives: Move the barrels again and speak with the trainee.
Rewards: 10 Jorvik Shillings, 5 XP
Reputation: 5 with Silverglade Manor
With the Baroness safely out of sight, take down the barrels and speak with the trainee.
Oh no! How are we going to fix this Rita?
Quest completed
A Big Hole to Fill
I’m not good at this kind of thing… Digging a hole and then filling it back in… But for this I think concrete would do the trick. I know there is tons of it up at North Link.
How are we going to get a few tons of cement here? I have no idea…
But I’m sure you will come up with something… You are as smart as a Nobel Prize winner. Maybe you can find a way to fool the boss up there.
Come back as soon as you can!
Objectives: Ride to North Link and find some concrete. The boss should know something.
Rewards: 5 Jorvik Shillings, 10 XP
Reputation: 5 with Silverglade Manor
Who said we would have to fool him? We’re friends. He owes me a big favor anyway…
Ride up to the North Link construction site and speak with the crew lead there.
Concrete? Listen up, don’t go thinking we just give out concrete to anyone who asks for it. Anyways, we don’t have an concrete right now. The last delivery has gotten lost on its way here.
Quest completed
Lost Concrete
Whew. Can you believe it. The guy who drove the truck sent an SMS saying he was driving around Jorvik and doesn’t know where he is I have no idea where he could be… Can you figure out what his message is supposed to mean?
“Heya! I got lost. North of me is a windmill. To the west is a big castle. I have no idea where I am. I’m super tired right now. Cant drive more now. Stopped on a hill. Come find me. /Lightning”
I don’t really get what he is trying to say… and I have a lot of other things to do. Maybe you can find him and give him directions to here? Great. I’ll SMS him and say you will be coming to find him.
Objectives: Find the lost concrete truck.
Rewards: 10 Jorvik Shillings, 15 XP
Reputation: 5 with Silverglade Manor
I am aware the clue to the truck is confusing. I have contacted game support to change it but have not heard back from them yet, as of writing this.
The truck is to the west of the castle. It is on the road south of the Winery.
Here is a map of its exact location. It is a big giant yellow dump truck, and hard to miss as long as you are on the correct road.
What’s up? Is it you who is going to show me the way to the building site? I have tons of cement I need to get rid of. Where should I take it? I don’t really know. The directions I got are worthless.
Quest completed
New Instructions for the Driver
So you have directions to the build site? To the farm up there? To a factory by the farm? That is very close to here. Excellent!
Ok. I’ll drive there and unload the concrete in the cellar. No problem.
Great, we’ll see you at the Winery then!
Objectives: Ride and meet the driver with the cement delivery by the factory at the Winery.
Rewards: 10 Jorvik Shillings, 15 XP
Reputation: 20 with Silverglade Manor
Go up to the factory building. The truck will be parked in front of it.
Speak to the truck driver when you get there.
It’s funny how he magically disappears as soon as you turn your back to him.
Hello there! I took a bit of a roundabout way here but it got me here before you anyways. They don’t call me Lightning for nothing! Ok, so we are all set to unload the concrete now. This is going to take a while so you might as well come back tomorrow. You can trust old Lightening. 
Cheers! We’ll see you tomorrow.
Quest completed

Return to the Truck Driver tomorrow.